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Journal : Al-Muzara'ah

Analisis Faktor-Faktor Preferensi Etnis Tionghoa Terhadap Bank Syariah di Indonesia Yurita Sari; Ujang Sumarwan; M Nadratuzzaman Hosen
AL-MUZARA'AH Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015): AL-MUZARA'AH (June 2015)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (977.817 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jam.3.1.1-19


The research aimed to develop and to test the consistency of the relationship between preference factrs of Chinese Ethnic towards Islamic Banks in Indonesia. According to previous research, customer’s internal and external factors as well as marketing strategy of the Islamic Banks are the main reason behind their decisions to become Islamic Banks’ customers. However, some of the previous researches have also shown inconsistent result in which it is stated that the religious factor is the main reason for Chinese Ethnic to choose Islamic Banks, whereas some other research concluded that religion has nothing to do with the decision to become customer in Islamic Banks.In line with the purpose of the research is to analyze how far the factors mentioned above could influence the preference of people with Chinese Ethnicity towards Islamic Banks. The approach used in this research is survey method. Sumarwan (2011) explains that survey is a design of a research which collects data from some respondents that are selected from a population. The sample of this research is Indonesian Chinese Ethnics,  including the Muslim ones and also include those who are already a customer in Islamic Banks as well as those who are not. This study specifically  analyzes perception attribute variable such as location, higher return, quality service, Islamic bank’s reputation and image, product features, marketing, and teknology; and also environment variable, personal variable, culture variable, and lastly preference variable of the Chinese ethnics towards Islamic Banks in Indonesia by using AIDA (awareness, interest, desire)  model approach. The data is analyzed by using SEM (structural equation model) technique.An interesting phenomenon of the research is that Islamic Banks use Islamic principles which prohibited the act of Riba’, while the Chinese Ethnic customers and the prospective customers also considering the same thing. Most of Chinese Ethnics are Buddhist, Christian, and Catholic which prohibited interests in banking system.The result of this study concluded that the level of knowledge of Chinese Ethnics that are not yet a customer towards Islamic Banks is lower than the knowledge level of Muslim Chinese Ethnics who are already a customer in Islamic Banks. With AIDA model, it is found that environment variable which consists of social and culture has significant influence towards atribute perception and also towards other AIDA variables such as Awareness, interest and desire.
Pengaruh Faktor Sikap, Norma Subjektif, Demografi, Sosioekonomi serta Literasi Keuangan Syariah dan Konvensional terhadap Minat Berwirausaha pada Mahasiswa Fajar Adi; Ujang Sumarwan; Idqan Fahmi
AL-MUZARA'AH Vol. 5 No. 1 (2017): AL-MUZARA'AH (June 2017)
Publisher : Department of Islamic Economics, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (572.42 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jam.5.1.1-20


This cross sectional study aimed to analyse influence of attitude, subjective norm, demography, sosioeconomic and shariah and conventional financial literacy toward entrepreneurship intention among college students. Refers to the model of Theory of Reasoned Action developed by Fishbein dan Ajzen, behavioral intentions are a function of attitude toward behavior and the subjective norm (Sumarwan 2011).   Respondents were 100 college students selected by convenience sampling methods. Data collection was purposively conducted at public universities located in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok and Tangerang on February 2016 until August 2016. Interview was conducted using reliable and valid questionnaire as a tool. Descriptive analysis on attitude toward entrepreneurship showed that respondents strongly agreed with the attitude statement and subjective norm indicates that they disagree with recommendation from nearest person to start a business. In addition, analysis of the entrepreneurship intention showed that respondents have an interest to become entrepreneur. Regression analysis with dummy variable showed that entrepreneurship intention was significantly affected by variables of attitude toward entrepreneurship and conventional financial literacy (p value <0.05), gender (women tend to be more interested in entrepreneurship as compared to men), experience of taking entrepreneurship class and experience of being entrepreneur (p value <0.10). To increase student’s entrepreneurship intention, it needs efforts from various parties, especially from academics to build attitude toward entrepreneurship and to increase financial literacy among students.
Co-Authors - Megalia A Amrullah Abd Azis Abdul Muttalib Abdullah Abdullah Abu Bakar Achmad Fachrodji Achmad Fahrudin Aco Nasir Adi Sulistyo Adilah Adilah Aditya Galih Prihartono Aditya Nugraha Afra Nazhirah Agung Nurrohmat Agus Agus Agus Heru Darjono Agus Maulana Agus W. Soehadi Agustina Soares Ahmad Sulaeman Aji Hermawan Aldi Noviandi Alexander Joseph Ibnu Wibowo Ali Khomsan Amran Yahya Amru Sahmono Boang Manalu Amzul Rifin Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Andis Sugrani Andreas Samudro Andrie Agustino Anggara, Fajar Anggi Triantoro Ari Rahman Arief Daryanto Arief, Yuni Sufyanti Arif Imam Suroso Aris Doyan Aris Doyan Ariyanti Sarwono Arya H. Dharmawan Arya H. Dharmawan ASEP SAEFUDDIN Athiek Sri Redjeki Atika Hermanda Avi Budi Setiawan Bagus Putu Yudhia Kurniawan Bagus Sartono BAMBANG DWI WIJANARKO Bebby Chrysanthini Benarda Benarda Budi Suharjo Budi Susila BUSTANUL ARIFIN Bustanul Arifin Cahyono, Luqman Carissa Fauzia Arimurti Chasanah Chasanah Cut Zaraswati Dahlia Dede Lilis Chaerowati Deden Setiawan Dedi Purnomo Dewi Sani Sukma Diah Arum Savitri Dian Hasfera Dicky Jhoansyah Dika Anggari Djoko Agus Purwanto Djoko Sudantoko Dodik Ridho Nurrochma Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat Dudung Darusman Dwi Anindita Dwi Rini Kurnia Fitri Dwi Suryanto Hidayat E. Eko Ananto E. Eko Ananto Edza Rinaldi Efriyani Sumastuti Egi Ardhika Winata Eliwatis Eliwatis Elsa Gusfryani Elsi Dwi Hapsari Endang Suhendang Endar Nugrahani Enny Kristiani Eny Palupi Erdiasa Nursaman Eri Purnomohadi Ervina Mela Dewi, Yandra Arkeman, Erliza Noor, Noer Azam Achsani Etriya Etriya Euis Sunarti Eva Z Yusuf Eva Z Yusuf Eva Z Yusuf Eva Zhoriva Yusuf Fafurida Fafurida Fajar Adi Fakhri Reza Fathiyah Fathiyah FATIMAH FATIMAH Fauziah Eddyono Fika Azmi, Fika Fitrahdini Fitrahdini Fitria Annilda Fitriana Fitry Primadona Fransiska R Zakaria Fransiska R Zakaria Gagan Gandara Gede Agus Beni Widana Ghozali Maskie Gracia Victoria Fernandez Gumilar, Bagus Randhyartha Gusfryani, Elsa Gustia Nur Aria Mahardikawati Habiebah, Intanadyah Ummie Hajar Hanisa Rahmina Fitriyana Hari Wijayanto Hari Wijayanto Hari Wijayanto Harianto Harianto Hartoyo . Hartoyo Hartoyo Hartoyo Hartoyo Hartoyo Hartoyo Hasanuddin Hasanuddin Hasbiana Hasbiana Hasim Ashari Hasmawati Hasmawati Heny K Daryanto Heny Kuswanti Suwarsinah Hera Laxmi Devi Septiani Hera Laxmi Devi Septiani Herien Puspitawati Herry Purnomo Herry Purnomo Hidayat Arifin Husnimubaroq, Robi I Gusti Ayu Putu Satya Laksmi I Ketut Mahardika I Wayan Mudianta Ida Ayu Dwi Lestari Idqan Fahmi Iffatul Ulfah Ignatius Suksmadi Ikeu Tanziha Imam Teguh Saptono Imsar Imsar Indah Ageng Maulidini Indah Dwi Pratama Indah Susilowati Indayani B Inna Kurnia Hidayat Irma Rumondang Irni Rahmayani Johan Isma Nurhikmah Apupianti Ismul Huda Istiqlaliyah Muflikhati Ita Arfyanti Iwan Setiawan Iwan Setiawan JOHANNES W WAHONO Joko Rurianto Jono M Munandar Jono M Munandar Jono Mintarto Munandar Judianto Hasan Kadek Viviona Cristi Kamaruddin Tone Khairunnisa Rahmah Kinanti Pradita Pangesti Kirbrandoko Kirbrandoko Komang Mirah Meigaria Komara, Siti Kristiani, Enny Lestari*, Indah Ria Lestari, Indah Ria Lilik Noor Lilik Noor Yulianti Lilik Noor Yulianti Lilik Noor Yuliati Linda Fitriani Lisha Luthfiana Fajri Lyra Majasoka M Fadli M Nadratuzzaman Hosen Marliyah Marza Riyandika Nugraha Maya Maria MD Djamaludin Megawati Simanjuntak MIMIN AMINAH Mimin Aminah Miranti Alfiah Saraswati Mirasanti Wahyuni, Mirasanti Mochammad Reza Firmansyah Mohamad Djemdjem Djamaludin Mohammad Baedowy Mohd. Arifin Muchlis Ahmady Mufti Hatur Rahmah Muh. Darmin Ahmad Pella Muh. Muzani Zulmaizar Muhamad Nadratuzzaman Hosen Muhammad Adam Soetirto Muhammad Fadhil Choliq Muhammad Mukti Ali Muhammad Nur Mukhamad Najib Mukhammad Najib Muliawan Hamdani, Muliawan Muslih Mughoffar Mutammam Mutammam Mutmainnah Abbas N. Nadhirin Nasution, Mutiara Naufal Fakhri Nensia Nensia Netti Tinaprilla Netti Tinaprillia Netty Tinaprilla Nikolas Nikolas Noor, Lilik Nova Yuliati Novarin Salim Noviandi, Aldi Novianti Br Gultom Novie Nostalgia Adiwinata Nugraha, Marza Riyandika Nur Hafsah Yunus Nur Hafsah Yunus MS Nur Hasanah Nursamsia Nursamsia Nursoliha . Pella, Darmin Ahmad Pitrasacha Adytia Prirafianti Purnomohadi, Eri R. Rudy Irawan Rabiah Rabiah Rachman Hendarsyah Rachmat Agustian Rahmatul Fitriyah Rama Indera Kusuma Rayana Rayana Reni Daharti, Reni Reni Heviandri Reni Heviandri Riandarini Resi Agestia Waji Resi Levi Permadani Resty Anugrah Kusmarini Retnaningsih Retnaningsih Retnaningsih Retnaningsih Riady Ibnu Khaldun Riandarini, Reni Heviandri RINALDI RINALDI Riski Handayani Lubis Rita Nurmalina Robi Nastain Rumangkit, Stefanus S, Wagiman S. Berto Fready Siahaan Sabillah, Bellona Mardhatillah Sahara Samingan Samingan Sandryas Alief Kurniasanti Sarifa Marwa Setiadi Djohar Setiadi Djohar Setyo Ferry Wibowo Sholihin Sholihin Sholihin Sholihin Sinta Wardani Siti Atilah Siti Choriliyah, Siti Siti Jahroh Siti Komara Slamet Maktub, Slamet Slamet Riyadi Slamet Slamet Sri Astuti Ratnasari Manggu Sri Bawono Sri Bawono Sri Imaningati Sri Utami Kuntjoro Stevia Septiani Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti Sufrin Hannan Suryawan, I Wayan Koko Susanti, Vonny Susi Sulastri Lubis Syahri, Alfi Syamsul Maarif Syamsuriyati S Syuhada Sufian Tanra, Andi Ainil Mufidah Tantry Nugroho Taufik Hidayat B. Tahawa Tb. Nur Ahmad Maulana Teuku Mahlil Thaslifa Tiara Putri Sajuthi Tri Damayanti Tria Anisa Firmanti Trifani Mayka Ratri Tutut Sunarminto Vici Lucyta Lestari Vonny Susanti Wagiman Wagiman S. Wahyu Sukma Samudera Wahyu Widodo Wahyudian Wahyudian Wahyuningsih, Sri Suharmini Waluyo Waluyo Wasito Wasito Waysima Waysima Waysima Waysima Widya Erdina Sandra Widya Wardhani Widyandana Widyandana Wikan Purwihantoro Sudarmaji Wira Aulia Wirna Arifitriana Woelandari Fathonah Wulandari, Kiki Dwi Wulandari, Shenda Maulina Yahya Agung Kuntadi Yanti Sunaidi Yanuar Aga Nugraha Yanuar Rachmansyah Yeni Dilla Roza Yudha Heryawan Asnawi Yudha, Yudy Prakasa Yudy Prakasa Yudha Yulia Indah Permata Sari Yuni Astuti Tri Tartiani Yurita Sari Yurita Yurita Yusran Fachry Reza Yusuf, Eva Z Yusuf, Eva Z Zhafirah, Anindya Zifwen Zifwen Zukhri Agusty Leo Syamsul Arifin Zulfi Anggraini