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Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 5: Edisi 1 Januari-Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: This reseacrh aimed to improve the ability of appreciation of regional dance by using VCT learning model. This research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with 2 cycles in 1 cycle consist of 2 meetings. The location of this research in SDN 164 Pekanbaru with the research subjectsm is students of class V SDN 164 Pekanbaru, consist of 38 students, 21 male and 17 female students. Research Instruments are observation sheets of teacher activity, observation sheest of student activity, test sheets of appreciation ability. Data analysis technique was descriptive quantitative. The results showed that application of VCT learning model can improve the student appreciation ability regional dance. The results showed that VCT learning model can improve the appreciation ability of regional dance. Students’ ability appreciation average in base grade was 51.84 in the less favorable category. In the first cycle of first meeting, the average of students' appreciation ability was 61,97 in good enough category. Furthermore, at the second meeting increased to 66.84 in the category quite well. In the first cycle of the second meeting, the average ability of students' appreciation was 74.07 in good enough category. Furthermore, at the second meeting it becomes 81.71 in either category.Key Word :Value Clarification Technique, Ability of Appreciation
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 5: Edisi 1 Januari-Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: The problem in this research was the low students learning outcomes class III SDN 102 Pekanbaru. That showed from the daily test results is below of specified KKM. . It is necessary for research to improvements in the learning process through the implementation of jaritmatika method. Jaritmatika method is fingers and aritmatika. This is a method calculate by using students fingers. This method was discovered by Septi Peni Wulandani. In this method, before students using their fingers to calculate numbers, their must understand about how to use fingers. The study design using the PTK (classroom action research) that the implementation is done two cycles, each cycle there are two meetings with the daily test. The subjects were students of class III SDN 102 Pekanbaru totaling 21 peoples. After implementation of jaritmatika method,the teacher activity was increased. Activity percentage of teachers in the first cycle was 70,00% increase in cycle II to 75,00%. Then, the activity of the teacher, student activities also increased. In the second cycle the percentage of student activity is 85%, then increased to 95% in the second cycle. The results showed that the learning outcomes of students increased from prior courses of action in the second daily test into 21,57. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the implementation of jaritmatika method can improve learning outcomes mathematics class SDN 102 Pekanbaru.Keywords : Jaritmatika Method, Learning Outcome Mathematics
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 5: Edisi 2 Juli-Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: This research is motivated by the low of mathematics learning outcomes of grade V students of SD Negeri 136 Pekanbaru. This is because students only listen and memorize the material that has been given by the teacher, the low creativity of students in solving problems in learning, and the students only focus on the material that has been submitted by the teacher. This study aims to determine the number of learning between students who use the open approach with students who learn conventionally. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research with the subject of a student study of class V SD Negeri 136 Pekanbaru. The results showed that there is an open relationship to the outcomes of learning mathematics students V SD Negeri 136 Pekanbaru. This can be seen from the increase of mathematics learning outcomes from the average of the initial test 35,161 to 71,290 in the final test with an average increase of 0.600 medium category. While the control class average averaged 37,177 initial tests to 47,984 in the final test with an average increase of 0.161 low category. The open ended approach provides a strong relationship with the coefficient of 0.721 and the coefficient of determination 51.99%, in other words the approach of open ended student learning outcomes.Keywords: Open Ended Approach, Learning Outcomes
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 1, No 4 (2017)
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (766.865 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v1i4.12252


The problem inthis studyis the lack ofability to appreciate the art work on PGSD FKIP-UR students who can be seen insymptoms symptoms of inability to distinguish works of craft and art works, the low ability students explain the function and meaning of craft objects in public life in accordance with the local culture local. Lack of student awards both morally and materially to the creation of creative crafts. lack of abilityin the understanding of concepts, reasoning, and problem solving, artcrafts. Based on the problems it is necessary to find away to solve the problem. Among themis to change the methods of teaching. For that in this study the researcher will apply local knowledge in the learning approach. This research was conductedasa classaction two cycles each cycleconsisted of two meetings. The application of local wisdom approach in volvesa conscious effort to engage students actively and creatively. Subjects in this study were students PGSD FKIP-UR fourth semester. Research data collection instruments consisted of observation activity sheets and sheets of faculty and students to replay the end of thetest cycle. The study was a classroom action research (CAR), this study aims to increase art appreciation fourth semester students PGSDFKIP-UR. The results of this study indicate that the application of local wisdom approach can improve student art appreciation PGSD FKIP-UR, with the average value of the initial value of 58.41 into a 84.75 in the second cycle. The average value of faculty activity also increased from an average of68.15 into 94.75. Student Activities also increased from an average of 63.24% in the first cycle to 89.80%. Thus,the research hypothesis when applied local wisdom, the ability to approa chart appreciation PGSD FKIP-UR students increased, proven
Transcendence of Character Values in the Makan Bajambau Tradition in the Kampar Community Guslinda, Guslinda; Ananda, Suci; Yona, Yona; Antosa, Zariul
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The study aims to describe the hidden character values in the ritual tradition of makan bajambau Kampar people in Riau province.Implemented in kampar, Jawi-jawi and Pulau village. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Makan bajambau is a tradition of eating together that is done in welcoming the holy month of Ramadan or completing the sixth fasting month of Syawal. The tradition of makan bajambau is a series of ritual activities performed as a gesture of gratitude for the fasting of Ramadan. Based on the fact that research makan bajambau is a series of joint eating ritual activities carried out by the entire community. The results of the research data analysis can reveal the 9 characters found in makan bajambau culture, namely: religious, disciplined and independent, polite, caring, mutual cooperation, self-confidence, fair, humble and tolerant. Character is that the activity implicitly contains character values. The character value is immersed in the activity of forming the committee, cleaning the grave, and eating together.
Utilizing POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) Learning Model to Enhance Students’ Learning Outcome in Science Dewi, Rukmana; Antosa, Zariul; Astuti, Eva; Noviana, Eddy; Hermita, Neni
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This study aims to determine enhanching students’ science learning outcomes before and after applying the POE (predict-observe-explain) learning model. This type of research is a pre-experimental type one-group pretest-posttest design, which is an experiment carried out on only one group, without comparison. This research was conducted in 4 of 38 students. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the average score of learning outcomes before treatment (pretest) was 57.89 while the average score of learning outcomes after treatment (posttest) was 80.63 and the average value of gain was 0.56 which included medium interpretation, and the results of hypothesis testing using t-test with t count = 12.92 and t table = 2.0374 then concluded tcount> t table, then reject H0 means significant. This means that there is an increase in grade IV learning outcomes for students between before (pretest) and after (posttest) applying the POE (predict-observe-explain) learning model. This shows that the POE (predict-observe-explain) learning model can improve the learning outcomes of elementary school students in natural resource material.
Initial Development of Instructional Video as the Development of Environmental Literacy Arifani, Risti Putri; Putra, M. Jaya Adi; Alpusari, Mahmud; Antosa, Zariul
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The ability of each individual to behave using his understanding of environmental conditions such as taking decisions related to the environment is important to be understood by each student.This ability is often referred to as environmental literacy. This research is the development of an initial development learning video to train students to make decisions according to their understanding of the environment.This video was developed through the Decision Making Cooperative learning procedure.The initial process of developing this video by creating scripts that are adapted to learning competencies is understanding environmental conditions that affect health, and efforts to maintain environmental health. Several videos are selected that are suitable for learning conditions.Student activity settings are also included in the video including conditions that encourage students to draw conclusions.There are a number of inputs provided by the validation team to improve the videos, among others related to the setting of problems that will be used as material for discussion for students. The initial results of the development of this video show that this video can be tested on students.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 5: Edisi 2 Juli-Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract : This research was carried out because still of the low social studies learning outcomes of students in a class V elementary school Babussalam Pekanbaru which were caused by teachers not yet using strategies that matched the characteristics of students and learning material. For that, researchers fix student learning outcomes by implementing a strategy Quick On The Draw . The form of this research is PTK which was conducted as much in two cycles. The research time date 7 to 22 May 2018 is located in Babussalam Elementary School with the number of students is 21 people. From the results of data analysis, there was an increase in teacher activity from cycle one by 67.43% with sufficient categories increasing to 96.29% with excellent categories. Student activities also experienced an increase from cycle one by 62.96% with a sufficient category then increasing to 96.29% with a very good category. Increased teacher and student activities have an impact on student learning outcomes which also increase from a base score of by 67.43 increasing to 82.67 with an increase in precentage of 22.60%. Based on data analysis, it is proven that if a Quick On The Draw strategy applied can improve student social studies learning outcomes.Keywords : Quick On The Draw Strategy, Social Studies Learning Outcomes
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 5: Edisi 2 Juli-Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: The problem in this reasearch is that students are not directly involved and are not active in the learning process so students are not able to achieve maximum learning outcomes, so that it is improved by the Index Card Match learning strategy. This research aims to know the improvement of IPA learning outcomes of fifth grade students of SD Negeri 003 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam between before (pretest) and after (posttest) applying Index Card Match learning strategies. The research method used is an experiment with the research design of one group pretest-posttest. Science learning outcomes data were collected by the test technique in the form of objective tests. The results showed that there was an increase in science learning outcomes of the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 003 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam which were significant between the results before (pretest) and the results after (posttest) applying the Index Card Match learning strategy. This can be seen from the average initial test of 48.34 to 73.15 in the final test with an average increase of 0.50 including a moderate interpretation. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the Index Card Match learning strategy has an effect on the science learning outcomes of fifth grade students of SD 003 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam.Key Words: Index Card Match learning strategy, science learning outcomes
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 5, No 1 (2018): WISUDA APRIL 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: This research is based on the low skill of writing paragraph desdcription of fourth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 6 Pekanbaru, from 22 students, students are categorized as very skilled as many as 2 students, students skilled categorized as much as 5 students, students are quite skilled as much as 2 students, while students are less skilled 13 students. This is research Classroom Action Research (PTK) conducted in 2 cycles each cycle consists of two meetings. This research to improve the skills of writing paragraph description with the use of image media. Data obtained through observation and test. Data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical technique. The results showed that the value of teacher activity achievement in the first cycle percentage score of 66.66%, while in the second cycle percentage score of 91.66%. Student activity in learning also experience improvement, activity of student activity in cycle I percentage score of 66,66% while in cycle II percentage of 91,66%. The result of the skill of writing the description paragraph on an average basic score of 63,22. Meanwhile, the value of the skill of writing the description paragraph on the first cycle score average score of 83.22, then cycle II increases with an average of 85.04. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the use of image media can improve the skills to write paragraph descriptions fourth grade students SD Muhammadiyah 6 Pekanbaru.Keywords: Image Media, Writing Skills Paragraph Description.
Co-Authors ', Hamdani ', Hartoyo ', Juniati ', Lasma ', Lazim N ', Marni ', Ngatminten ', Nilawati ', Rini Eka Haryani ', Rosidah ', Semi ', Susiah ', Syahrilfuddin ', Widiyawati ', Zanimar ', Zufriady Aanisah Sesmawati Ade Nur Azni Ade Soraya Lenggogeni Soraya Lenggogeni, Ade Soraya Lenggogeni Soraya Adelia Syahputri Afriani ' Aisyah ' Aladin ' Alfidah, Nur Alief Rachmat Wardhana Alvy Nurhidayah Putri Amiati, Vira Eka Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Ananda, Suci Andella Putri Andella Putri AndellaPutri Andella Putri Andriani Andriani Annisa Fadillah Annisa Fitri Aprianti, Riska Ardiana ' Arifani, Risti Putri Arkaan Fadhlullah Arya Hadi Ghifary Asha Yuli Andiska Ashila Devta Azalia Asnirayani ' Astuti, Eva Aysah Puspa Ramadhan Ayu Rati Ayu Rati Azwin Anadayani Basri Basri Bella Asyura br Harianja, Nurmauli Budhi Andi Putra Cici Cahyani Cici Oktaviani Cindy Triwulan Desta Cori Cornellia Dahnia Putri Dahnilsyah Dahnilsyah Damanhur Daud Damanhur Daud Damanhuri Daud Damanhur Daud Damanhuri Daud Damanhur Daud Damanhuri Daud Damanhur Daud Damanhuri Daud Damanhur Daud Damanhuri Daud Damanhur Daud Damanhuri Daud Damanhur Daud Damanhuri Daud Damanhur Daud Damanhuri Daud Daud Damanhuri Daud Daud, Damanhuri Daud Damanhuri Daud, Damanhuri Dani Firmansyah Darisman Henki Shaputra David Hendra Kurniawan David Hendra Kurniawan Hendra Kurniawan David Hendra Kurniawan, David Hendra Dayangku Mustika Sri Alam Mustika Sri Alam, Dayangku Mustika Sri Alam Mustika Dedi Arianto Delpika Delpika Desi Maryani Desi Wahyun Desi Wahyun Desriana, Ety Dessy Afriani Dessyana Dessyana Destri Mustika Devita Luluanna Devy Fitriyanti Devy Fitriyanti Dewi Dewi Dewi Santi Marlina DEWI SARTIKA Dewi, Rukmana Dia Istiqamah Dian Apriliyana Dian Apriliyana Apriliyana Dian Oktavia Dian Puspa Dewi Diana Novita Sari Dilla Kurnia Putri Dina Afriyanti Duri, Rapika Dwi Hafidah Dwinda Valiandini Eddy Noviana Eddy Noviana Edo Ari Eka Lestari Elsa Mai Sarah Hasibuan Endang Purwati RN Endri ' Erika ' Erlisnawati Erlisnawati Ermayuli Ermayuli Ernewati Ernewati Ernila Sari Rambe Eva Astuti Mulyani Fadliansyah, Fadliansyah Farida Farida Fathkul Jannah Febri Yana Riza Febrika Anwar Fenti Putri Sari Putri Sari Fina Fitri Aisyah Firdaus Ardiansyah Firmansyah, Dani Fithrah Qalbina Fithri, Shafwani Fitri Asbeni Frarindha Dessy Megario Frisilia Febriyanti Gindi Priammono Grissilda, Rica Guslinda Guslinda Guslinda Guslinda Guslinda Guslinda, Guslinda Gusti Elpida Gustimal Witri Gustimal Witri Gustimal Witri Hamdani ' Hanapi Hanapi Hardianti, Melisa Harni Dasrianti Dasrianti Harsono Harsono Hartono Tjoe Hasmi Hasmi Helfianti, Rozza Helmi Yanti Helmi Yanti Yanti, Helmi Yanti Hendri Marhadi Hendri Marhadi Marhadi Hendri Marhadi Marhadi, Hendri Marhadi Herlinawati Herlinawati Hesti Rahmadeni Hj. Munjiatun Hj. Munjiatun Indah Kardina Indah Oktaviani Indra Gunawan Indriyani Indriyani Irma Yanti Irma Yuniati Iskandar, Azmi Jasmawati, Jasmawati Jesi Alexander Alim Jesi Alexander Alim Jesi Alexander Alim Alexander Alim Jufrina ' Julina ' Junaidi Junaidi Justia Justia Juwipa Hardila Kartika Ayu Andina Kasibah, Kasibah Kusmiati Kusmiati Kusmiati Kusmiati Laksono Trisnantoro Larcy Hesti Oktary Lazim N ' Lazim N ' ' Lazim N Lazim N Lazim N Lazim N ' Lazim N, Lazim N Lazim N, Lazim N Lazim, Lazim lazim, lazim Lazim. N Lazim. N Lazim. N Lazim. N, Lazim. N Lazim.N Lazim.N Leica Oktaviani Lenny Elviyanti Lestari, Leila Lilisniati Arlis Lismasil ' Liza Lestari Luh Putu Ratna Sundari M. JAYA ADI PUTRA, S.Si, M.Pd, M. JAYA ADI M. Rafiqul A’la Maharani Surahmi Mahmud Alpusari Mahmud Alpusari Mahmud Alpusari Mahmud Alpusari Mahmud Alpusari Manalu, Clara Anastasia Feronika Mar Febriana Mardalena ' Mardiana Mardiana Mariana Mariana Marini ' Masaleni, Masaleni Masnah ' Masriana Masriana Maysarah ' Meli Zulhairani Zulhairani Melly Sartika Mesi Arsita Midun, Muhamad Mike Okta Viola Milda Suri Suri, Milda Suri Mira Astuti MZ Mira Astuti MZ Astuti MZ Mirawati Mirawati Mudinillah, Adam Muhairi Muhairi Muhamad Ridwan Muhammad Fahturi Zidane Muhammad Fendrik Muhammad Heru Setiawan Muhammad Ridho Muhana Firza Nabilla Muliono Muliono Multajim Multajim Mulyani ' Munjiatun Munjiatun ' Munjiatun Munjiatun Munjiatun Munjiatun Munjiatun Munjiatun, Munjiatun Muthia Afrilla Zhandy, Muthia Afrilla Nasution, Susilawati Neni Hermita Nilmayati ' Nindi Andrianda Nitya Az Zahra Nizami Nizami Nizla Yanti Nurdiyah Saragih, Nurdiyah Nurmawati Margolang Nursafika Nursafika Nurul Annisa Nurul Azmi Nurzimah, Nurzimah Oen Karolina Oknita Sari Olivia Asyfaa Ramadhani Otang Kurnia Kurniaman, Otang Kurnia Otang Kurniaman Otang Kurniaman Otang Kurniaman Parulian Harahap Parulian Harahap Piqih Anggraini Pratiwi, Cecilia Hana Purba, Rosdiana Putra, Elpri Darta Putra, Jaya Adi Putri Zulhaini Adawiyah Putri, Amelia Rahmadania Rahmadania Rahman, Junaidah Raja Deni Wendri Rakhmawati Rakhmawati Ramadani, Eka Raudah Raudah Raudhah Anisa Muslim Razali ' Rekha Irvianti Reni Sinarti Reski Seftiyansyah Rian Sulisanti Rika Islamiati Rini Pratiwi Rinova, Tesa RIRIN AMALIA Risa Nirmalasari Risky Syahputri Ristamala Sari Rizawati, Fitria Rizki Wasiah Roimah Roimah Rosidah Rosidah Roslina Roslina, Roslina Rossiana Victorius Rotila Nopidah Ayu Roza Helfianti Rubiyah ' Rudi Ritonga Rully Rismadona Rully Rismadona Rusdiani, Yulia Rusvina, Della Saadi Saadi Safriyandi Safriyandi Sagita Desriani Sahrilfuddin, Sahrilfuddin Sandy Yulianti Sari, Riska Sarmesta Junika Sarmesta Junika Sarpin Sarpin, Sarpin Sasi Sasi Sepni Yunita Seri Marita Seri Marita, Seri Marita Seri Sherly Adelia Shinta Shinta Silvia Ridhuani Siska Wulandari Siti Amaliyah Siti Amaliyah, Siti siti rahmah Siti Rohani Sri Desi Yusnita Sri Desi Yusnita Sri Dewis ' Sri Marzelayani Sri Mulyanti Mulyanti Sri Mulyanti Sri Mulyanti Sri Murnita Sri Murnita Sri Wahyuni Sri Wahyuni Sri Wahyuni Sri Yunita Srikandi Setia Ningsih T Sukria, Sukria Sulasmiana, Sulasmiana Sumidah, Sumidah Supriyati ' Suri, Milda Suryani, Rahmi Susi Lestari Susila Susila Susilawati Susilawati Suyetno, Suyetno Syafridawati ' Syahrilfuddin Syahrilfuddin ' Syahrilfuddin Syahrilfuddin Syahrilfuddin Syahrilfuddin Syahrilfuddin Syahrilfuddin, Syahrilfuddin Syaiful Dasir, Syaiful Syarifuddin ' Tati Harnis Temu Kasih Tiara Yulia Putri Tifany Hidayat Titik Yuliani Tri Andriyana Putri Tumiati, Tumiati Ulfa Ramadhani Ulfa Yani Ulfa Yani Utama, Rahma Dwi Vira Eka Amiati Vonny Tri Mulya Wahyuli Rojis Wardani, Dwikha Putri Warsini ' Wenny Shaputri Widya Pratika Sari Widya Rahma Sarita Winzila Mahfuzah Witmailen Witmailen Wulan Dwinata Bustami Yahya Gunawan Yanti, Erlina Yetti Rahmawati Yola Tesha Ventika, Yola Tesha Yona Yona Yonnita Yonnita Yuli Heltiza Yulianti, Sandy Yunita, Herma Yurike, Yurike Yurtati Yurtati Yuwanda Megri Santika Zam, Randy Zetra Hainul Putra Zinaida ' ' Zufriady Zufriady, Zufriady Zulfikar Rahman Zulkifli '