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Journal : ALSYS : Jurnal Keislaman dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Analisis Siswa Autisme di SDN Keroncong MAS Permai Septy Nurfadhillah; Astri Putri Adinda; Hesty Tri Shafani; Vira Ramadhani; Wahyuni Desti Utami; Intan Khairul Insani; Ardy Refando; Rizky Rahman Wijaya
ALSYS Vol 2 No 1 (2022): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.358 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i1.142


Children with special needs are children with special characteristics that are different from children in general without always showing mental, emotional or physical disabilities. Included in the ABK include: visually impaired, deaf, mentally retarded, physically disabled, mentally retarded, learning difficulties, behavior disorders, gifted children, children with health problems. Other terms for children with special needs are extraordinary children and disabled children. Autism is defined as a disorder that affects development and is complex in nature regarding the activities of imagination, communication and social interaction. This study aims to analyze Autism students at SDN Keroncong Mas Permai to find out what Autism is, what are the weaknesses and strengths of Autism children, and how to handle it in learning. This research method is observation with a descriptive approach that is explaining the problems in the field. This data collection technique is observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study that there are students with special needs in class IV are students with autism. This can be seen when students interact and communicate. So it can be concluded that there are children with special needs in grade IV at SDN Keroncong Mas Permai with autism.
Pendidikan Inklusi dengan Anak Penyandang Ketunaan Slow Learner (Lambat Belajar) dan CIBI (Cerdas Istimewa, Berbakat Istimewa) Septy Nurfadhillah; Aisah Nur Fitri; Dyah Utami; Faradya Navyanti; Ghina Salsabila J; Laysia Ustianingsih; Nurul Izzah; Reny Rahma Amalia
ALSYS Vol 2 No 1 (2022): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.714 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i1.144


This research was conducted at SDN Cimone 7, Tangerang City, Banten Province. This research was conducted aiming to find out and then understand the inclusive school environment which in practice is not only the interaction between teachers and students as the primary component of education, but also the presence of supporting facilities such as school facilities and infrastructure that are the foundation of the smooth process of school formal education. This study uses the method of observation and the instrument used is in the form of interviews. The results of this observational study indicate (1) there are inclusive schools located in the Tangerang City area, (2) there are inclusive students at SDN Cimone 7, Tangerang City, Banten Province which are classified as slow learners .and special intelligent and gifted children (CIBI), (3) knowledge of the learning system implemented at SDN Cimone 7 Tangerang City, Banten Province. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be seen that SDN Cimone 7 Tangerang City, Banten Province is included in an inclusive school that has tried to implement a learning system that adapts to the needs of these inclusive students.
Analisis Pendidikan Inklusi sebagai Tempat Pembelajaran terhadap Anak Penyandang Autisme SD Negeri Pegadungan 11 Pagi Septy Nurfadhillah; Amelia Khoerulnisa; Muhammad Riski; Rahmiy Safira Az Zahra; Salwa Syahida; Silva Ariyani; Widya Cahyani; Wita Riflia
ALSYS Vol 2 No 1 (2022): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.173 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i1.152


The study aims to determine the role of inclusive school as places of learning for children with autism. The research used interviews and observations at Pegadungan 11 Pagi Elementary school. From the data that has been collected, the next step is to analyze it so that conclusions can be easily drawn. The result show that autism is adevelopmental disorder in children who are unable to communicate and express their feelings and desire. Usually this disorder is seen before the age of 3years. People with autism really need educational services that can accommodate, complate, yhe facilities and infrastructure they need, such as in inclisive schools. In inclusive schools, children with autism can learn independently and develop their abillity to communicate and develop social interaction skills, namelycommunicate well with their peers. So that incluive education is very necessary for children with autism in child development.
Analisis Keterampilan Berbicara Siswa Kelas IV pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SDN Rawa Buaya 07 Dwi Setyo Maryanti; Septy Nurfadhillah; Desri Arwen
ALSYS Vol 2 No 3 (2022): MEI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (453.321 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i3.375


This study aims to answer the results of the analysis and describe the speaking skills of fourth grade students in Indonesian subjects at SDN Rawa Buaya 07. The approach method used in this research is descriptive qualitative by taking data at SDN Rawa Buaya 07 with the research subjects being teachers and class students. IV. Data was collected by observation, interviews, oral tests and documentation. Data analysis was carried out through three stages of implementation, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Checking the validity of the data used includes triangulation of sources, triangulation of data collection techniques, triangulation of time and guarantor of validity. The results obtained indicate that the speaking skills of fourth grade students in Indonesian subjects at SDN Rawa Buaya 07 are in the "still low" category because the overall average is still below the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) in Indonesian subjects, which is 70. It would be nice, teachers should provide active and fun learning through the use of media or varied learning methods to support the effectiveness of students' speaking skills in the classroom and outside the classroom.
Hubungan antara Perhatian Orang Tua terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV SDN Tangerang 15 Amalia Muthia Khansa; Septy Nurfadhillah; Najib Hasan
ALSYS Vol 2 No 5 (2022): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (556.69 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i5.527


This study aims to determine whether there is a significant relationship between the relationship of parental attention to student learning outcomes in fourth grade mathematics at SDN Tangerang 15 Tangerang City. This study uses a quantitative method of correlation using a survey which was analyzed descriptively. The population subjects in this study were all students of class IV B SDN Tangerang 15, totaling 15 students. The technique of collecting data was using a questionnaire statement instrument consisting of 20 statements and a test instrument for students' mathematics learning outcomes to change fractions in the form of PG consisting of 20 valid and reliable questions. To test the significance of the regression in this study, the value of Thitung 8,663 > Ttable 2,160. As for testing the hypothesis from the results of the correlation test, the correlation coefficient value is 0.923 and the coefficient of determination is 0.852 so that parents' attention has a high contribution of 85.2% to student learning outcomes while the remaining 14.8% is influenced by other factors, it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between parental attention to student learning outcomes in mathematics in grade IV SDN Tangerang 15 Tangerang City. This can be interpreted that the contribution of parental attention to student learning outcomes has a high correlation, the higher the attention given by parents, the higher the learning outcomes obtained by a child.
Analisis Peran Guru Kelas dan GPK dalam Menangani Siswa ABK (Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus) SDN Cimone 7 Kota Tangerang Septy Nurfadhillah; Cahaya Hasanah; Deva Elfrisca; Farida Farida; Nopika Ayu Lestari; Siti Fadhilatul Barokah; Zahra Hanifah
ALSYS Vol 2 No 6 (2022): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.868 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i6.619


This study aims to review how the role of teachers and GPK (special assistant teachers) when dealing with ABK students (Children with special needs) at SDN Cimone 7 Tangerang City. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, 1 teacher in charge of inclusion and 1 GPK (special assistant teacher) were used as research subjects. Data collection techniques through direct observation, interviews, and documentation. The data results are analyzed using data condensation steps, presenting data (data display), and drawing conclusions or verification (conclusion drawing and verification). The results showed that the teacher had carried out adaptive learning for students with special needs (children with special needs) by adjusting the conditions of each of these students. These adjustments relate to methods, strategies, materials and learning media.
Permasalahan dalam Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Inklusi di SDN Pinang 7 Septy Nurfadhillah; Aprilia Setyorini; Bunga Cempaka; Cantika Rofiqoh Azhar; Putri Fauziah; Raihan Fadhlurrahman Jamirullah; Salma Ramadhanty; Shanti Kusminarti
ALSYS Vol 2 No 6 (2022): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.539 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i6.622


The implementation of inclusive education in Indonesia aims to provide educational facilities and services for children with special needs (ABK). The implementation of inclusive education has been implemented in elementary schools throughout Indonesia, especially big cities, but in its implementation found many problems. This study aims to describe the problems in the implementation of inclusive education at SDN Pinang 7. Special (GPK) SDN Pinang 7 Tangerang City. The method used is descriptive qualitative which aims to describe "what is" about a variable, symptom or situation. Data collection techniques in this study in the form of interviews, documentation, and observation. The results showed that there were various problems encountered related to the components of educators, students, school management, curriculum, learning processes, cooperation and lack of infrastructure that supports the implementation of inclusive schools, and the incompatibility of infrastructure facilities owned by schools with the needs of children with special needs. In addition, these problems also arise due to the lack of cooperation from various parties, for example with the government and parents and guardians of students.
Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Slow Learner di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Cipete 4 Septy Nurfadhillah; Amalita Aziah Septiarini; Mitami Mitami; Dewi Isnania Pratiwi
ALSYS Vol 2 No 6 (2022): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.569 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i6.623


Children with special needs are children who have their own individuality in terms of types and characteristics, which distinguish them from normal children in general. Learning difficulties are more related to psychological disorders such as frustration, anxiety, adjustment barriers and emotional disorders, so learning difficulties can be related to psychological factors, especially personality, adjustment disorders and self-confidence. This study aims to determine the learning difficulties experienced by students with special needs. The method used is descriptive using qualitative data analysis so that it becomes an easy-to-understand data exposure. The selection of research subjects consisted of one classroom teacher, one GPK teacher, and one student with special needs. The results showed that there were students with special needs who were categorized as slow learners. Students experience difficulties during the learning process such as difficulty recognizing letters and numbers.
Analisis Faktor Penyebab Anak Lamban Belajar (Hambatan Membaca) pada Sekolah Inklusi di SDN Cipete 4 Kota Tangerang Septy Nurfadhillah; Putri Bunga Aulia; Annisa Rachmadani
ALSYS Vol 2 No 6 (2022): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (484.476 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i6.624


This study aims to analyze the factors that cause slow learning children, especially on reading barriers in the Inclusive School at SDN Cipete 4 Tangerang City. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research approach with data collection methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the analysis in this study indicate that there are 7 students who are slow learners, especially in reading barriers. The factors that cause slow learners to learn are very broad, more or less the same answer as the factors that cause special needs, but in this slow learner it enters the realm of intelligence barriers where children become slower to process incoming information. The cause can be pre natal (before birth) natal (birth process) post natal (after birth), and environment.
Analisis Keterampilan Berbahasa pada Siswa Autisme Level 1 di SDN Perumnas 5 Kota Tangerang Septy Nurfadhillah; Hartika Rhea Elita Immawan; Tasya Nurfadila Khoirunnisa
ALSYS Vol 2 No 6 (2022): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.944 KB) | DOI: 10.58578/alsys.v2i6.630


Education can shape and develop the skills, attitudes, and intelligence of children to become intelligent, skilled and noble human beings. However, there are still many children who have not received proper education due to physical and mental limitations. One of them is autism, which is a serious developmental disorder that interferes with the ability to communicate and interact. The problem in this study focuses on the language skills of one of the Autism level 1 (mild) students at SDN Perumnas 5 Tangerang City. The purpose of this study was to describe Autism and learning in language skills from the learning strategies used by Special Guidance Teachers (GPK) at SDN Perumnas 5 Tangerang City. The research method uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The research site is at SDN Perumnas 5 Tangerang City. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. While the data analysis technique of this research uses the theory of Miles and Huberman, which includes data reduction, data presentation and conclusions/verification. To test the validity of the data by using triangulation. The results of research conducted by observing and interviewing Mrs. Yanti as a Special Advisor Teacher (GPK) at SDN Perumnas 5, researchers are interested in examining language skills and learning strategies in level 1 autism students.
Co-Authors Adella Adella Adilah Afifah Ahmad Amarullah, Ahmad Ahmad Arif fadilah Ahmad Edo Erdian Ahmad Iklil Asfari Ahmad Syaiful Haq Aisah Nur Fitri Akmal Asshiddiq Alfira Fazriandina Alviani Saridevita Alya Salsabila Amalia Muthia Khansa Amalita Aziah Septiarini Amelia Agdira Putri Amelia Khoerulnisa Amilanadzma Hidayah Amiratul Muzeeb A Anbar Nisrina Huwaida Andriyanto Andriyanto Aniq Insyirah Anisa Wiji Astuti Annisa Ardhana Yanti Annisa Nur Faizah Annisa Rachmadani Apik Woro A Aprilia Setyorini Aprilia Tri Utari Ardy Refando Aris Setiawan Adji Arwen, Desri Astri Putri Adinda Atilla Firstariza Ayu Wahyuni Azizah Al Ashri Bela Lestari Boy Dorahman Bunga Cempaka Cahaya Hasanah Cantika Rofiqoh Azhar Chintya Eka Prasetya Cyintia Riswanti Dar Alifah Amelia Davina Dewi Hartana Dayu Retno Puspita Dede Mufliha Defi Prasasti Deva Elfrisca Devie Anggraeny Dewi Isnania Pratiwi Dewi Rachma Lestari Dhita Safitri Dian Andriani Suherdi Dian Chaerani Utami Dini Utami Dwi Aulia Ningsih Dwi Putri Nur Oktadia Dwi Setyo Maryanti Dyah Utami Eka Nurwahyuni Emilia Septia Rini Erika Puspita Dewi Fadlatul Ramdhan Faizaria Cahya Tri Ramadani Fakah Hukmah Faraditha Madhofi Faradya Navyanti Farah Putri Rahmanda Farida Farida Fatmawati Fatmawati Febi Ria Valentina Fika Sulaehatun Nupus Fitri Maulida Fitri Maulida Awalina Ghina Salsabila J Hartika Rhea Elita Immawan Herlin Wizy Astuty Herlina Efendi Hesti Wahyuni Hesty Tri Shafani Hesty Tri Shafani Hilwatunnisa Nurlayali Ida Farida Iin Wulandari Indah Aprianti Indah Ayu Anggraini Indri Maya Astuti Intan Khairul Insani Ismiatun Nazifah Isnaini Nugrahanti Julya Fatharani Karunia Nurullita Purwanti Khairun Nisaa Khofifah Rizkyah Kurnia Fartdilah Laila Febriyani Suteja Laysia Ustianingsih Lita Nurbaiti Lusiana Della Paramita Melya Rosiana Mia Khofifaturrahmah Mitami Mitami Muawanah Muawanah Muhammad Riski Nadia Nurrohmah Nadila Anggraeni Putri Najib Hasan Nanda Devita Nanda Oktaviani M Neli Agustina Nia Rahmawati Nicken Novita Sari Niken Nur Yolawati Nopika Ayu Lestari Nundung Ari Afianti Nur Herni Hernawati Dewi Nur Kamilah Nur Latifah Nur Sella Fauziah Nurfidia Azhari Nurlaili Maghfiroh Nurlayla Hidayati Nursiah Nursiah Nurul Dwi Arlita Nurul Izzah Nurul Ulfi Padyah Padyah Puspitasari Puspitasari Putri Andini Putri Bunga Aulia Putri Fauziah Putri Indah Lestari Putri Octaviana Putri Raudhah Herros Putri Salsabilla Sulistiyani Putri Syifa Ananda Ragil Marcelino Rahmah Wati Anzani Rahmiy Safira Az Zahra Raihan Fadhlurrahman Jamirullah Reny Rahma Amalia Riana Okta Prabandani Rina Siti Nur Fatimah Riyadh Rafiqh Rizka Nia Fauziyah Rizki Zuliani Rizky Rahman Wijaya Robiatul Adawiyah Romi Ramdon Ginanjar Roro Rachmi Dewanti Rosnaningsih, Asih Roudhotus Sabila Sa'odah Sa'odah Sagita Destiyantari Salma Ramadhanty Salsa Bila Rahma Salsabila Rahma Salwa Syahida Samsul Azhar Saodah Saodah Saomi Solatun Sapitri Awaliyah Sarah As-sikah Sa’odah Sa’odah Sa’odah Sa’odah Sa’odah Sa’odah Sa’odah Sa’odah Septy Nurul Fauziah Shanti Kusminarti Shindy Rajna Putri Shisy Yulia Cahyati Silfia Silfia Silva Ariyani Siti Fadhilatul Barokah Siti Halimah Siti Khoiriah Siti Maemunah Siti Nur Faziah Siti Nurfaizah Siti Nur’alfiah Sitti Aisyah Farawansya Susi Susanti Handayani Syaeful Bahri Syafira Priangle Syifa Fauziah El-Abida Syifa Masyhuril Aqwal Tasya Farlidya Tasya Nurfadila Khoirunnisa Tio Saputra Tri Widyastuti Tyasti Sri Mulyani Ulia Uswatun Vira Ramadhani Virania Ananda Wahyuni Desti Utami Widya Cahyani Widya Nur Aini Wita Riflia Yayah Huliatunisa Yeni Nuraeni Zahra Hanifah Zahra Khoerunisa