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Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Vol 16, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya

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Kerupuk jambu biji merah merupakan bentuk diversifikasi produk yang dapat meningkatkan keragaman jenis kerupuk. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh proporsi terigu dan tapioka dengan bubur jambu biji merah terhadap karakteristik organoleptik kerupuk jambu biji merah, mengetahui karakteristik fisik dan kimianya, sehingga dapat dirancang sebuah model bisnis dan layak secara finansial. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktor ganda yaitu proporsi terigu dan tapioka dengan bubur jambu biji merah. Hasil uji organoleptik dianalisis menggunakan sidik ragam (5%) dan penentuan tiga perlakuan yang paling disukai panelis menggunakan pembobotan, sedangkan penentuan perlakuan terbaik menggunakan uji efektivitas. Perlakuan terbaik adalah A2B2 (proporsi terigu dan tapioka 15%:85% dengan bubur jambu biji merah 50%). Karakteristik fisik kerupuk jambu biji merah goreng terbaik yaitu rendemen 77.82%, kecerahan 67.23, dan daya kembang 101.48%. Karakteristik kimianya yaitu kadar air 3.80%, kadar abu 0.40%, kadar lemak 7.75%, dan kadar vitamin C 8.34 mg/100 gr. Model bisnis kanvas terbaik pada value proposition yaitu memberikan energi dan vitamin C, aman, berstiker, unik dan renyah, dan menggunakan minyak yang baik; customer segment yaitu seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Jember, pelajar, pria dan wanita dewasa; revenue stream yaitu penjualan melalui retailer terutama di sekolah; channels yaitu direct selling dan retailer. Produksi kerupuk jambu biji merah dinyatakan layak dengan kriteria NPV Rp 90,712,874, IRR 43.14%, PP 2 tahun 2 bulan 24 hari, BEP 200688 bungkus senilai Rp 83,620,009, dan B/C rasio 2.13
Analisis Pengaruh Suasana Toko, Variasi Merchandise, dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Aksesoris Gadget: Studi Kasus Gerai Wellcommshop Mal Citraland Nursanti, Tinjung Desy; Herlina, Herlina
Binus Business Review Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Binus Business Review
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/bbr.v3i1.1324


The growing technological applications encourage people to use gadgets as the easiest way to connect their daily lives. The demand for gadgets creates new kind of business opportunities. Many companies can produce supporting product such gadget accessories. One company that engaged in the provision of gadget accessories is Wellcomshop. The company is aggressively increasing sales of gadget accessories. Therefore, the company wants to evaluate the variables that influence purchasing decisions of gadget accessories. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is influence between variables store atmosphere, merchandise varieties, and quality of service in determining purchasing decisions in Wellcomm Accessories Gadget Shop Mall Citraland. This study is an associative research and using a simple method of correlation and multiple regressions. The population in this study is the consumer Wellcommshop Citraland Mall, while the samples are 90 respondents. The results show that the variation of merchandise (x2) and quality of service (x3) has a significant influence on purchase decisions. While, the atmosphere of the store (x1) does not significantly influence purchasing decisions.
JSTT Vol 5, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : JSTT

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This study was aimed to: (1) investigate the influence of Problem Based Learning model toward students’ learning achievement; (2) examine the difference of students with high achievement motivation and those with low achievement motivation’s learning result; (3) test the interaction between Problem Based Learning model and achievement motivation toward students’ learning result on Biology subject of XI Grade Science Program at MAN 2 Model Palu. The method applied in this study was quasi-experiment. The population of this study was the XI Grade students of Science Program at MAN 2 Model Palu, comprised of 4 classes. Sample selection was determined through the assigment of random sampling technique. The independent variablse of this study were: the Problem Based Learning and Direct Instruction.The students’ learning result as the dependent variable, and the achievement motivation which served as the moderator variable. The data collected through learning achievement test and achievement motivation questionnaire. The data of the study were analyzed by two-way ANNOVA technique asssisted by the SPSS program version 16. The result of this study proved that: (1) the Problem Based Learning model had a significant influence on students’ learning result. It proved to be grander than the Direct Instruction in influencing students’ learning result; (2) there was a significant difference of students’ learning result between students who have high achievement motivation and those who have low achievement motivation. Students with high achievement motivation performed better result in their learning rather than the students with low achievement motivation; and (3) there was no presence of interaction between Problem Based Learning model and achievement motivation towards students’ learning result. Where the learningmodels (PBL and Direct Instruction) and the achievement motivation did not influence students’ learning result either at high or low level of achievement motivation.
Konversi Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Oktober 2014
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/k.v3i2.162


Abstrak- Kulit jeruk pakis (Citrus grandis) merupakan limbah yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan rumah tangga, industri dan pertanian. Dengan proses distilasi kulit jeruk pakis dapat diambil minyaknya sebagai citrus oil yang selanjutnya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan sabun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan rendemen dan mutu citrus oil dari bahan baku kulit jeruk pakis segar dan dikeringkan (40 oC, 6 jam) dengan metode water distillation. Massa kulit jeruk yang digunakan adalah 200, 300, 400 dan 500 gram diekstraksi selama 3 jam pada 100 °C. Rendemen minyak yang diperoleh untuk kulit jeruk pakis segar berturut-turut pada massa kulit jeruk 200, 300, 400 dan 500 gram ialah  0,888 %, 0,619%, 0,178% dan 0,239% sedangkan untuk kulit jeruk yang keringkan diperoleh rendemen berturut-turut 0,214%, 0,029%,0,074% dan 0,023%. Minyak yang dihasilkan dari kulit jeruk segar dan kering dianalisa dengan Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) mengandung 82,136% limonen. Kulit jeruk pakis sebelum dan sesudah diekstraksi dianalisa dengan Scanning Electro Microscopy (SEM) dan X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) menunjukkan bahwa struktur permukaan setelah ekstrasi menjadi rusak dan struktur kristalinnya tidak mengalami perubahan yang signifikan. Minyak yang dihasilkan selanjutnya direaksikan dengan NaOH 30% untuk menghasilkan sabun. Kadar pH sabun pada konsentrasi (w/v) 1%, 5% dan 10% dalam 100mL air berturut-turut sebesar 9, 10 dan 10 sedangkan kadar air dalam sabun yang diperoleh sebesar 37,25%. Kata Kunci: jeruk pakis, minyak kulit jeruk, water distillation, sabun Abstract- Pakis orange peel is one of wasted product from household, industry and agriculture activities. Pakis orange peel can be extracted by distillation as citrus oil. Furthermore, it can be used as essential oil in production of soap. The purposes of this research  is to compare yield and quality of citrus oil base on fresh and dried  pakis orange peel (40°C, 6 hours) by water distillation methode. The variation mass of orange peel was used  200, 300, 400 and 500 gram then was extracted  for 3 hours at 100°C. The yield of citrus oil from fresh pakis orange peel with weight 200, 300, 400 and 500 gram are 0,888%, 0,619%, 0,178% and 0,239%,  respectively. The dried pakis orange peel was produced citrus oil 0,214%, 0,029%, 0,074% and 0,023%, respectively. The citrus oilwas analyzed by Gas Chromatoghrapy Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) which was contained ca. 82,13% of limonene. Pakis orange peel before and after extraction analyzed with Scanning Electro Microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) were indicated the structure of surface area after extraction has become broken  and the sructure of crystalline structure was not significant changes. Furthermore, citrus oil obtained from extraction was reacted with 30% NaOH for soap production. The pH of soap at concentration 1%, 5% and 10% (w/v) in water  9, 10 and 10, respectively.  The water content in the soap about 37,25%. Keywords: pakis orange, orange peel oil, water distillation, soap
Teaching Taq Questions Through Dialogues To The Eighth Grade Students Of Islamic Junior High School I Atap Aulia Cendika Of Palembang Herlina, Herlina
Publisher : Jurnal Dosen Universitas PGRI Palembang

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Abstrak Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana mengajarkan Taq Questions melalui dialog kepada siswa MTS I Atap Aulia Cendikia Palembang.  Penulis menggunakan metode pre-experimental dengan adanya pre-test dan post-test.  Dari perolehannya, disimpulkan bahwa mengajarkan Taq Questions dengan menggunakan metode dialog adalah efektif di kelas delapan MTS I Atap Aulia Cendikia Palembang.  Hasil pembahasan dan kesimpulan dapat dibuktikan dari skor nilai yang berbeda.  Dalam pre-test yaitu skor nilai rata—rata 6.11 dan dalam post-test dengan rata-rata skor nilai 7.71.  Dalam hal ini 10 dari 40 siswa (25%) memperoleh nilai lebih tinggi dari kriteria minimum pencapaian dalam pre-test dan 37 siswa (92,5%) memperoleh nilai lebih tinggi dari kriteria minimum pencapaian dalam post-tets.  Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa t-hitung (7.61) lebih besar daripada t-table (1.684).  Sehingga Ho ditolak dan disimpulkan bahwa Ha diterima. Kata kunci: Taq Questions, Dialog, Mengajar.
Mengajar Prosa dengan Menggunakan Strategi Respon Pembaca di Semester Keempat Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris-Universitas PGRI Palembang Herlina, Herlina
Publisher : Jurnal Dosen Universitas PGRI Palembang

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Abstrak             Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah “apakah efektif untuk mengajar Prosa dengan menggunakan Strategi Respon Pembaca di semester keempat Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris-Universitas PGRI Palembang?”  Oleh karena itu tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah efektif atau tidak efektif untuk mengajar Prosa di semester keempat Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris-Universitas PGRI Palembang.  Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah 80 mahasiswa di semester keempat Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris-Universitas PGRI Palembang pada tahun akademik 2015/2016.  Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dari kelas 4A dengan jumlah 40 mahasiswa dengan menggunakan purposive non random sampling.  Metode Pre-eksperimen digunakan dan data dianalisis menggunakan uji-t untuk mengetahui hasil dari mengajar prosa dengan menggunakan Strategi Respon Pembaca (RRS).  Berdasarkan hasil dari tes tertulis, ditemukan bahwa Strategi Respon Pembaca (RRS) adalah terbukti efektif untuk mengajar Prosa di semester keempat Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris-Universitas PGRI Palembang.  Skor rata-rata nilai mahasiswa dalam post-test (72,75) lebih tinggi dari nilai pre-test (51,64).  Hasil uji t-hitung diperoleh yaitu 16,2 sedangkan hasil t-tabel 1,684 karena itu lebih tinggi dari t-tabel 1,684.  Ini berarti bahwa hipotesis -alternatif (Ha) diterima dan hipotesis-nol (Ho) ditolak.  Artinya mengajar prosa menggunakan Strategi Respon Pembaca (RRS) di semester keempat Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris-Universitas PGRI Palembang adalah efektif.Kata kunci: prosa, strategi respon pembaca, mengajar.
ELT Perspective Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Vol 3, No 2 (2015): ELT Perspective Vol. 3 No. 2, September 2015
Publisher : ELT Perspective Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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This study was carried out to analyze and to classify the kinds and the source of students’ errors in writing negative sentences using simple present tense and simple present continuous tense. The purpose of this study were to describe kinds of the stundents’ errors in writing negative sentences and to find out the source of errors which the students made in writing negative sentences. The method used in this study was descriptive analysis research. Descriptive analysis in form qualitative research design applied in this study was case study. Furthermore, the subject of this study was the students of the seventh grade students of SMPN 13 Cirebon which consisted of 20 students. The data were collected through writing test and interview for students. The result of the analysis of students’ errors process showed that students committed errors into ten kinds of errors are made by students: 1. Omission, 2. Additional, 3. Misformation, 4. Misordering, 5. Omission and misformation, 6. Omission and misordering, 7. Additional and misordering, 8. Additional and misformation, 9. Omission and additional, 10. Misformation and misordering. Based on the finding of analysis, it showed the students made a total of 120 errors in catagory of verb which consist of 21 are omission, 22 are additional, 15 are misformation, 6 are misordering, 8 are omission and misformation, 20 are omission and misordering, 5 are additional and misordering, 10 are additional and mosformation, 10 are omission and additional, and 3 misformation and misordering. These errors were conducted because most of students were still influenced by their mother tongue and their Indonesian logical thinking (interlingual transfer). Besides, errors occurred because students generalized the rule and applied it incompletely (intralingual transfer). To sum up, it showed that the analysis of students’ errors in writing negative sentences using simple present tense and simple present continuous tense is difficult for students. Keywords : Analysis Students’s Errors, kinds errors, source of errors, writing negative sentences.
ELT Perspective Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Vol 4, No 2 (2016): ELT Perspective Vol. 4 No. 2, September 2016
Publisher : ELT Perspective Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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Abstract The aim of this study is to determine the presence of signs and combinations of signs (codes) that are present on the fictitious figure of Sarah Aprilia in Cologne Bask advertising on the internet. The sign and the code in general should have a common understanding by prospective readers (target audience). This research used qualitative approach with interpretative descriptive method because semiotic science is digging and discovery the meaning. In analyzing the fictitious figure of Sarah Aprilia, the sign that appearance is false sign. Deceptive mark is a sign that unknown origin , but the engineering rests on a natural object (hybrid), but viewers assume it was real presence. This is due to the many cross signs presented visual codes that make the figure of Sarah Aprilia as a real figure. Keywords : Advertising , Semiotics, Signs, Digital Media
Jurnal Manajemen Magister Darmajaya Vol 2, No 01 (2016): Jurnal Manajemen Magister Darmajaya
Publisher : Jurnal Manajemen Magister Darmajaya

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E-KTP program is now running in Bandar Lampung, the plan passes the E-KTP program was completed until April 2012 but until now many people have not implemented E-KTP program in their respective districts. Due to the administrative services in the district less than the maximum because the equipment is broken scanner, the Internet is often "crash" for hours cause the target of one unit of computer equipment reached 108 but only 70 reached the point that the process of creation of e-ID cards and the equipment stops just one for 90,000 people and things this is the "hot" because of their work time lost while waiting in line for too long in the district. The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of public satisfaction index and determine the manufacture of standard operating procedures (SOPs) on E-KT program in each district as Bandar Lampung. Results from Tanjung Senang district to have the unit with the highest performance is Very Good with quality service and value IKM A 97.475. While Sukabumi district performing unit with the lowest predicate is Not Good with quality service and value IKM C 46.525. While the other 11 districts have a performance unit with the predicate B Good with quality of service and value that varies SMEs. While the results of SOP as a standard set of norms and allow members of the public and individuals know how the level of service expected/desired; standard focuses on the core and critical tasks that must be shown on the actual situation and in accordance with local conditions; standards improve efficiency and lead to resource utilization better power; standards improve staff utilization, staff motivation and standards can be used to assess the practical aspects of both the ground state and the post-basic education and training. Keyword : Community Satisfaction Index, Standard Operating Procedures, E-KTP Program
Journal of Applied Chemistry Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Applied Chemistry

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Modified cassava flour is one of the innovations of foodstuffs which had the potential tobe commercially produced. Therefore, the shelf life is an important factor that should be listed inthe product packaging. The purpose of this study was to give information to producers andconsumers or the general public about the shelf life of cassava flour modified products, so thatthe safety of the consumption of the product can be assured. Determination of the shelf life ofcassava flour modified using accelerated life testing (ASLT) with sorption isotherm curveapproach (critical moisture content). The method describes the addition or loss of the watercontent of food on constant of temperature and humidity (RH). The study was conducted with theinitial stages of the determination of moisture content, critical moisture content and equilibriummoisture content of the modified cassava (Manihot utilissima) and (Manihot esculenta Ctrantz)approximately 6.87%;6,24%, 6.92%; 6.31% and 10.30%; 8.45%, respectively. Sorption isothermcurve was selected Caurie equations model and permeability of polypropylene packaging used is0.0542 g/m2.day.mmHg. The results showed that the shelf life modified cassava (Manihotutilissima) and (Manihot esculenta Ctrantz) are 1 year 4 month and 1 year 8 month.
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Mutalib Abdul Muthalib Abidin Abidin Abu Anwar Abubakar Hamzah Adang Hardi Gunawan Agus Arianto Toly Al Qadri, Andi Ramdan Al-Asy'ari, M Khoirul Hadi alfiah alfiah Alhaq, Panji Mujahid Ali Djamhuri Anak Agung Oka Andi Eko Wiyono, Andi Eko anggalia wibasuri Angraeni, Via Anuar Sanusi Arbi, Arbi Arifati, Rifa Armadany, Fery Indradewi Arsela, Della Arwan Arwan Asti , A Sri Wahyuni Astija Ateng Sukmana Aziza, Nur Bau Ratu Budi Untari Budianto Budianto Canti Besari chamdani, muhamad Chin, Jacky Dadang Haffid Dadang Hafid Darmawati Darmawati Daviq Chairilsyah Dede Kurniasih Dewi, Eka Trisnawati Dewi, Eva Dicki Hardi Wantoro, Dicki Hardi Dina Permata Wijaya Diyah Martanti, Diyah Djoharly Djoharly Djumarti Djumarti Dwi Yuli Rakhmawati Dwivani, Clarentia Endang Sarmini Enny Lestari Eva Utami Evan Yuli Andika, Evan Evi Sovilawati FAJARUDIN AHMAD Falenzah, Julian Fausan, Muhammad Mifta Fauzi, Ari Nur Fauzi, Ari Nur Firana, Ario Firman Firman Hafifah, Ifa Hambali Hambali Hamdiyah, Hamdiyah Handalan, Muhammad Agung Hanifa, Lia Happy Fitria, Happy Hardianto Iridiastadi Harijadi, Karina Hariyati, Rr.Tutik Sri Hasanah, Oswati Hasri Hasri Herlan Setiawan Hotman Lubis I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana I Nengah Suwastika Ibon Suparman Ida Farida Adi Prawira Ifdil Ifdil Ikhsan Kadir, Ikhsan Ilhamsyah, Ihamsyah Imas Komala Indah Permata Sari Indra Saptiama Iriani, Dwi Irpadilla, Mirna Ayu Iryanti Fatyasari Nata, Iryanti Fatyasari istiqomah istiqomah Jumaini, Jumaini K, Endah Widiastuti Kadarisman Kadarisman Kaksim Karyadi Karyadi Kaswari Kaswari Khadarisman Wisnukaton Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Klemens, Klemens Kristian Adi Nugraha Kurniawati, Khofifah KUSUMADEWI SRI YULITA Lafitri, Endar Latifa, Elmiawati Lia Dahlia Iryani Lina Ayu Marcelina Linda Ika Mayasari, Linda Ika Luh Putu Ratna Sundari M. Ariza Eka Yusendra, M. Ariza Eka M. Fahli Zatrahadi M. Sayad Maman Suherman Mardiyanto Mardiyanto Mariyono Sedyo Winarso, Mariyono Sedyo Marleni Marleni Marlina Marlina Martalena Ramli Mattalatta Mattalatta, Mattalatta Maulina Maulina, Maulina Merizka, Engla Miftahuddin Miftahuddin Mimien Henie Irawati Mufid, Muchamad Mujinah Mujinah Munawwaroh, Inayatul Musa, Irmawati Muslimin Muslimin Muthmainnah, Nurul Nina Siti Salmaniah, Nina Siti Noor Diani Novianti, Evin Nurfajriah, Nurfajriah Nurlina Tarmizi, Nurlina Nurwahyuni Nurwidodo Nurwidodo, Nurwidodo Pitrah Asfian, Pitrah Prasetya, Fikki Puspita, Yenny Putri, Dini Utami R Scholten, Aviva Ramadhaniyah, Rieka Ramlawati Ramlawati Ranti nazmi Rasyid, Riana Sari Puspita Ratman Ratman Reni Zulfitri Rita Suhadi Rizal Rizal Rohadi Awaluddin Rohadi Awaludin Rohendi, Mita Nurmayanti Rokhaidah, Rokhaidah rosmadi, maskarto lucky nara Rosnita Rosnita Rudi Susilana, Rudi Ruhadi Ruhadi Safri Safri Sani K, Fathnur SANTI NURBAITI Sari, Adinda Norma Gupita Sari, Nova Nurwinda Sari, Vera Permata Sarjan N. Husain Sayhreni, Elfi Sayhreni, Elfi Shiyan, Shaum Sih Yuwanti Solihah, Indah Sri Handayani Sri Karnila Sri Utami Sri Wahyuni Sritumini, Bella Anantha Sriyono Sriyono Stefani Amanda Suhaimi Suhaimi Suharmadi Suharmadi Sukma Desi, Sukma Surdin, Surdin Suzane, Meri Syaodih, Erliany Syarifuddin Syarifuddin Tachyan, Zaenudin Teady Matius Surya Mulyana, Teady Matius Tinjung Desy Nursanti Togar M. Ritonga Togar Marsangap Ritonga Tri Saptuti Susiani Tri Suciati Triana Lindriati Triani Widyaningrum Vanny M. A Tiwow Wahyu Adi Warjio Warjio, Warjio Wibowo, Maryanto Widyawati Widyawati Wira Y. Rahman Yayan Tahyan Yeni Rustina Yolanda, Risky Rati Yolandini, Reza Yulianti, Dona Yuliarti, Andriani Yulmaini Yulmaini Yumna Rasyid, Yumna Yundari, Yundari Yuyarti Yuyarti, Yuyarti Yuyu S. Poerba, Yuyu S. Yuyu Suryasari Poerba Zulkifli Zulkifli