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Journal : Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan indonesia

Hubungan Kadar Timah Hitam dalam Darah dengan Jumlah Lekosit, Trombosit, dan Aktifitas Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) pada Pekerja Timah Hitam di Kabupaten Tegal Gunawan, Lily; Setiani, Onny; Suhartono, Suhartono
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 12, No 2 (2013): Oktober 2013
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.12.2.106 - 110


Bacground: Air pollution is a serious matter which can damage environments also human health. In Indonesia,Lead (Pb) has huge potential to harm and to damage environments on industrial area. The inserted of lead intohuman bodies especially by inhaling of lead´s dust through respiratory tract, most of the Lead will bounded in redblood cells, than the rest of it will be accumalated in bone marrow and soft tissues and would bring impact ofdisturbances of haematopoesis, cardiovascular, renal, nervous, gastrointestinal, and reproductive systems andalso carcinogenic. This study aimed to find out the degree of exposure to Lead and its effect haematologic systemmainly leukocyte count, platelet count and activity of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD).Methods: It was an observational research using cross sectional design. The subject of research was 41 workers.Blod Lead Level (BLL)l as independent variable was examined using AAS. Dependen variable of this research wasblood profile consist of Lekosit, Trombosit, dan Activity of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). Data would be analyzedusing Kendall Tau correlation.Result: Blood lead level (BLL) wasmeasured using AAS examination of 41 workers found on average 27.069 μg/dl, Permmision Exposure Limit 0.6 μg/dl – 108.3 μg/dl exceed the limit of Centre for Disease Controle andPrevention (CDC=10 μg/dl). Examination of leukocyte count results p 0.034 (p<0.05), average 7256,9/mm³,range 3800–12700/mm³, while platelet count p 0.857 (p>0.05), average 277634.2/mm³, range 143000–391000/mm³, and SOD activity p 0.220 (p>0.05), average 82.304 U/ml, range 72.11-95.92 U/ml still normal.Conclusion: The level of BLL on workers had been over treshhold limit value (TLV)and It had significantlycorrelation with the level of leucocite (p-value < 0.05)Recommendation: Medical and preventive action are needed to restore and prevented worsening effect on healthby administering medication, routin check-up, natural chelating agent and supplement and healthly environmentprograms applied.Key words: Blood Lead Level (BLL), leukocyte count, platelet count, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) activity.
Hubungan Pajanan Pestisida dengan Kejadian Goiter pada Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar di Area Pertanian Hortikultura Kecamatan Ngablak Kabupaten Magelang Marwanto, Andriana; Setiani, Onny; Suhartono, Suhartono
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 17, No 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.17.2.104-111


Latarbelakang:Intensitas penggunaan pestisida yang berlebihan dan pelaksanaan penyemprotan yang tidak sesuai aturan dapat mengakibatkan masalah kesehatan bagi anak-anak, yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terpajan oleh pestisida. Pestisida dapat mengganggu proses sintesis dan metabolisme hormon tiroid dengan mengganggu reseptor TSH (TSH-r) di kelenjar tiroid. Kelenjar tersebut membesar sebagai kompensasi untuk meningkatkan output hormon tiroid. Pembengkakan leher akibat pembesaran kelenjar tiroiddisebutgoiter. Kelainan kelenjar tiroid pada anak-anak dapat mengakibatkan gangguan tumbuh kembang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan riwayat pajanan pestisida dengan kejadian goiter pada siswa-siswa SD di wilayah pertanian hortikultura wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ngablak Kecamatan Ngablak Kabupaten Magelang.Metode:Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Case control (kasus control). Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 60 siswa kelas 4-6 yang terdiri dari 20 siswa yang mengalami goiter sebagai kasus dan 40 siswa sebagai kontrol. Data diperoleh dari hasil pemeriksaan kadar UEI dalam urine dan wawancara.Hasil:sebanyak 60 % respondenpada kelompok kasus mempunyai riwayat pajanan pestisida dan kadar Ekskresi Iodium Urin (EIU)pada anak mempunyai nilai rata rata (Mean) 176,183µg/L dengan kisaran 30 µg/L - 291µg/L, nilai median 182µg/L. Riwayat pajanan pestisida secara signifikan berhubungan dengan kejadian goiter dengannilai p-value: 0,013 (p<0,05), OR; 5,41 95% CI; 1,53-19,12 Simpulan:Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah riwayat pajanan pestisida dalam hal keterlibatan anak pada kegiatan pertanian merupakan faktor resiko terhadap kejadian goiter. ABSTRACTTitle: Exposure Pesticide Associated with Incidence of Goiter in Elementary School Students in the Areas of Agriculture  in Sub District Ngablak District MagelangBackground:The intensity and excessive use of pesticides and spraying methods which not appropriate may cause health problems to farmers exposed directly as well as children who are indirectly exposed to pesticide. Pesticides can disrupt the synthesis process and thyroid hormone metabolism by disturbing the TSH receptor (TSH-r) in thyroid gland. The gland is enlarged as a compensation to increase thyroid hormone output. swelling of the neck from an enlarged thyroid gland is called Goiter. Thyroid unloyment caused by inhibition of thyroid hormone synthesis may cause growth disorders. The purpose of this study was to determine the exposure pesticide associated to the incidence of Goiter in elementary school students in agriculture areas at the Sub District NgablakMagelang.Method:This study was observational study with case control design. The sample in this study were 60 students of grade 4-6 consisting of 20 students who incidence goiter as the case and 40 students as control. The data Data was taken  from UEI examination results in urine and interview. Result:That 60% of respondents in the case group had a history of pesticide exposure and iodine excretion level of Urine (EIU) in children had mean of 176,183 μg / L with a range of 30 μg / L - 291 μg / L, median value 182 μg/L. The history of pesticide exposure was significantly related to goiter events with p-value values: 0.013 (p <0.05), OR; 5.41 95% CI; 1.53-19.12.Conclusion:This study concluded thathistory of pesticide exposure in terms of children's involvement in agricultural activities is a risk factor to g incidence of Goiter
Hubungan Praktek Personal Hygiene Ibu dan Kondisi Sanitasi Lingkungan Rumah dengan Kejadian Diare pada Balita di Puskesmas Kampung Dalam Kecamatan Pontianak Timur Kamilla, Laila; Suhartono, Suhartono; Wahyuningsih, Nur Endah
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 11, No 2 (2012): Oktober 2012
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.11.2.138 - 143


Background : Diarrhea has been one of severe health problems in Indonesia. A survey on household health, SKRT(2004) reported that diarrhea was the second ranked disease that caused death of under five year-old infants, andthe third ranked of the overall ages. In Kalimantan Barat, diarrhea becomes the third most dangerous disease,behind dengue and tuberculosis, to cause fatalities with the Incidence Rate of 10%. Data from the Health Office ofPontianak showed 8,374 diarrhea incidences in six districts. The frequent cases were found in Pontianak TimurRegency with 1,430 incidences. Data obtained from the Kampung Dalam Public Health Center, which is situated inPontianak Timur District, showed the highest rate of diarrhea incidence in the regency with 480 cases with prevalencerate of 33.6% (368 of them suffered by under the five year-old infants).Methode : This research aimed to find out the relationship of maternal personal hygiene and housing environmentalsanitation to diarrhea in under five year-old infants at the Public Health Center of Kampung Dalam. The researchwas performed by cross-sectional design, using 1,125 mothers with 12-59 month-old infants who lived in the servicearea of Kampung Dalam Public Health Center as population, resulting in 89 samples by a proportional randomsampling method. These data were then subject to bivariate Chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression test.Result : The overall results showed that the diarrhea incidences were suffered by 50 (56.2%) under five year-oldinfants. Most respondents had poor personal hygienic practices, as the bivariate analysis show the relationshipbetween washing hands with soap before eating (p = 0.002; RP = 1.853), washing hands with soap after going torestroom (p = 0.020; RP = 1.690), and good practices in food management (p = 0.0001; RP = 3.467) on diarrhea.The environmental conditions relating to diarrhea consisted of restroom availability (p = 0.014; RP = 2.72), SPAL(p = 0.025; RP = 4.84), and water quality (p = 0.014; RP = 1.76). However, waste bin condition (p = 0.135) andclean water source (p = 0.627) did not relate to diarrhea. The multivariate variables that became the dominant riskfactor to the diarrhea incidence on the under five year-old infants were food management good practices and healthyrestroom.Conclusion : In conclusion, good practices in food management and healthy restroom gave the diarrhea probabilityof 94%.Keywords : personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, diarrhea
Hubungan Kondisi Lingkungan Rumah dan Perilaku Keluarga dengan Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Kabupaten Aceh Besar Sofia, Sofia; Suhartono, Suhartono; Wahyuningsih, Nur Endah
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 13, No 1 (2014): April 2014
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.13.1.30 - 38


Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a communicable disease caused by dengue virus known as the most spread disease in the world. In Aceh Besar district, DHF cases were found annually, 156 cases was recorded in 2013 (IR=42,0 per100.000 people), 1 case of death was reported (CFR=0,88%). It was seen that almost household had breeding places and used materials which can trun into breading places of Aedes aegypti. This research was to analyze the relationship of household environmental condition and family behavior to the incidence of DHF. Methods: This research was observational analytic study using case control design with total samples of 150 respondents, consisted of 75 cases and 75 control. Data analysis were using Chi-Square and Logistic Regression. Results: The result was that there was significant relationship between breeding place in household (p=0,000 and OR = 5,5), temperature in house (p=0,000 and OR= 4,0) and habits of cleaning up water container (p=0,000 and OR= 4,7) to the incidence of DHF. Conclusion: Community can prevent the cycle of DHF transmission by doing activities such as egg, larva, pupa eradication in its breading places, cleaning up water container at least, once in less then 7 days and actively perform 3 M Plus activities. Coordination between various stake holders is needed to observe sanitation of environment so then breeding places will not exist for Aedes aegypti. Keywords: Residence environment, family behavior, DHF
Keberadaan Perokok dalam Rumah sebagai Faktor Risiko Kejadian Pneumonia pada Anak: Suatu Kajian Sistematik Kusumawardani, Rahma Desta; Suhartono, Suhartono; Budiyono, Budiyono
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 19, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.19.2.152-159


Latar belakang: Pneumonia merupakan penyebab utama kematian pada anak di dunia. Salah satu faktor risiko yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian adalah adanya pajanan asap rokok lingkungan (environmental tobacco smoke, ETS) yang berasal dari adanya perokok dalam rumah. Kajian sistematis ini bertujuan menggambarkan hubungan keberadaan perokok dalam rumah dengan kejadian pneumonia pada anak.Metode: Penelusuran artikel dilakukan melalui database Portal Garuda Indonesia, PubMed, Scopus, dan ProQuest, pada bulan Mei 2020. Kriteria inklusi adalah penelitian dengan desain studi observasional dan fokus pada hubungan pajanan asap rokok dengan pneumonia pada anak, yang dipublikasikan antara tahun 2000-2020.Hasil: Terdapat 8 artikel yang dikaji. Salah satu artikel melakukan pengukuran CCR (Cotinine/creatinine ratio) urin. Faktor terkait pajanan asap rokok yang terbukti berkaitan dengan peningkatan risiko pneumonia adalah adanya anggota keluarga yang merokok, lokasi merokok berada di dalam rumah, adanya bau tembakau di dalam ruangan, pajanan asap rokok pada masa prenatal terutama ibu yang merokok pada masa kehamilan, dan usia anak pada saat terpajan asap rokok.Simpulan: Keberadaan perokok dalam rumah meningkatkan risiko pneumonia pada anak, dengan kisaran 1,2-6,7 ABSTRACTTitle: The existence of smokers in the home as a risk factor of pneumonia in children:  A systematic review Background: Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in children worldwide. One of the risk factors that need an attention is exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) from the smoker in the house. The purpose of this systematic study is to describe relationship between the presence of smokers in the house and pneumonia in children.Methods: The literature search was carried out through the database of Portal Garuda Indonesia, PubMed, Scopus, and ProQuest, which were conducted in May 2020. The inclusion criteria are observational research designs and focus on the relationship between exposure to tobacco smoke and pneumonia in children that were published between 2000 and 2020.Results: Eight articles were selected for review. One of the articles has measured urinary cotinine/creatinine ratio (CCR). Factors related to the exposure to tobacco smoke which is proven to be associated with an increase risk of pneumonia in children were the presence of family members who smoke, location of smoking in the house, the smell of tobacco in the room, exposure to tobacco smoke during the prenatal period especially maternal smoking, and the age of the child when exposed to tobacco smoke. Conclusion: The presence of smokers in the home increases the risk of pneumonia in children, with a ranges between 1.2-6.7
Hubungan Paparan Pestisida Dengan Kejadian Goiter Pada Petani Hortikultura Di Kecamatan Ngablak Kabupaten Magelang Sungkawa, Hendra Budi; Setiani, Onny; Suhartono, Suhartono
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 6, No 2 (2007): Oktober 2007
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.6.2.41 - 46


ABSTRACT Background: Pesticides are toxic material  or a substance or mixture of substances used to kill a pest or  intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest.[2] A pesticide may be a chemical substance, biological agent (such as a virus or bacterium), antimicrobial, disinfectant or device used against any pest. Pests in agriculture  include insects, plant pathogens, weeds, molluscs, birds, mammals, fish, nematodes (roundworms.  Although there are benefits to the use of pesticides, there are also drawbacks, such as potential toxicity to humans and environment. Usage pesticide which do not well  managed  may  generate negative impact. Chronic poisoning of pesticides may produce adverse effect on health, including, cancer, genetic mutation, thyroid diasease, reproductive disorders and neurodegenerative disases. Preliminary researh showed that farmer in district of Ngablak   98 %  have experience of pesticide exposure. Result of study indicate that 16,5 % farmer of horticulture that have pesticide exposure  district of Ngablak  have a disorder of  thyroid and manifest as goiter. This research objective was to find out the relation between pesticides exposure and the incidence of goitre on farmer exposed to pesticides. Method: this research used a case control design with  68 case and 68 control. The variable of the research include age, education, work duration, time of activity per day, pesticide type, pesticide dose, spraying frequency, time of  spraying, farmer position to wind direction while spraying and using of personal protective equipment. Result: Research result indicated  that variables that related to the incidence of endemic goitre were age (OR = 3,83; CI 95%= 1,88 – 7,81), work duration (OR = 12, 79; CI 95% = 2,85 – 57,53), time of activity per day (OR = 2,47; CI 95% = 1,16 – 5,23), pesticide type (OR = 5,86; CI 95% = 2,73 – 12,56), pesticide dose (OR = 2,96; CI 95% = 1,37 – 6,42), spraying frequency (OR = 4,69; CI 95% = 2,28 – 9,69), farmer position to wind direction while spraying (OR = 3,07; CI 95% = 1,39 – 6,77), using of personal protective equipment (OR = 3,18; CI 95% = 1,57 – 6,41). Conclusion: Farmer’s risk factor to the incidence of endemic goitre is  working  time time of activity per day, pesticide type, spraying frequency, farmer position to wind direction while spraying  and  the use of personal protective equipmetn, in its  contribute 33,78%. Probability to the incidence of goitre on farmer exposed to pesticides. Keyword : pesticide exposure,  pesticides type, work duration, incidence of goitre, farmer
Studi Deskriptif Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) Dengan Pendekatan Spasial Di Kota Kupang (Analisis Data sekunder Tahun 2010-2011) Maran, Albertus Ata; Nurjazuli, Nurjazuli; Suhartono, Suhartono
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 11, No 2 (2012): Oktober 2012
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.11.2.114 - 122


Background :Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF), an endemic disease in Kupang, has been an enormous healthissue throughout years, as it frequently causes outbreak. The risk factors of the disease, according to certainvariables; time, location, civil and population density, climate, precipitation, temperature, humidity, and diseaseincidence, are still remaining unknown. Therefore, no predictive agent to estimate the DHF outbreak in Kupang hasbeen found.Methode : The research is a obsevasional study, with a spatial approach. The research variables were inspectedat same time and the samples were taken from the whole population; all secondary data on Health Departmentregistration record of Kupang. The data was presented on tables and were analyzed by descriptive method.Result : The result of the secondary data analysis indicated that the endemic trend of DHF profile in Kupang hasbeen decreasing over the last 2 years, however the number of exposed area towards DHF endemic increases. DHFIR showed decreasing trend; particular decline was noted on 2011 (55.45 per 100.000 people) compared to 2010.Highest proportion of DHF patient was found on age 5 – 9 years, followed by age 1 – 4 years, and age 15-19 years.There was changed phenomenon in time, distribution pattern and age; from younger age into productive age,with increasing proportion. There were 6 kecamatan and 44 kelurahan that proned to DHF. DHF IR reached thehighest point at 2010, in Kecamatan Kota Raja (122.80 per 100.000 people), the lowest point indicated atKecamatan Kelapa Lima 50.55 per 100.000 people. In 2011, highest IR was indicated at Kecamatan Kota Lama(84.64 per 100.000 people) while the lowest IR indicated at Kecamatan Alak (35.40 per 100.000 people). Certainfactors are believed to take effect on DHF incidence, these factors are; population density, location, precipitation,air temperature and humidity.Keywords: DHF, incidence, descriptive, spatial
Faktor Lingkungan dan Perilaku yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Stunting pada Siswa SD di Wilayah Pertanian (Penelitian di Kecamatan Bulakamba Kabupaten Brebes) Utami, Rudi Pangarsaning; Suhartono, Suhartono; Nurjazuli, Nurjazuli; Kartini, Apoina; Rasipin, Rasipin
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 12, No 2 (2013): Oktober 2013
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.12.2.127 - 131


Background : Stunting is identified by comparing measurements of childrent’s heights to the NCHS WHO2005growth reference population : children who fall potential as a result of suboptimal health and/or nutritionalconditions. Stunting prevalence in Indonesia still high level, this indicated health problem because associatedwith increase in morbidity and mortality, low cognitive capability and improper physical function.The purpose inthis study was to determine many environmental factors and behaviour associated with incidence of stunting.Methods : It was an observational research with case-control study design.Subject were divided into two groups: case and control groups in Elementary School student class 4 and 5 with 37 subject in case group and 53 subjectin the control group. Variables examined in this study was a history of exposure to pesticides, history of cigarettesmoke exposure, mosquito smoke exposure history, a history of using plastic as a place to store food is still hot,urinaryexcretioniodine (UEI), levels of urinary thyocyanate, anemia, TSH levels, Cholinesterase levels and BodyMass Index.Data was collected by interviewing, observation and measurement. Data would be analyzed using independent t–test or Mann Withney), bivariate analisys using Chi-Square and multivariate analysis using logistic regression.Result :This study indicated that the incidence of stunting was 37 %; 56,8% of them had history of pesticidesexposure. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that the risk factor of stunting in student is a history ofpesticides exposure with Odds Ratio (OR) 2,625. The result of logistic regression test showed there was asignificant association between the incidence of stunting with a history of pesticide exposure(OR 2,39).Conclusion :The history of pesticides exposure was the risk factor for stunting.Key words : Environmental and behaviour factors, stuting, elementary student, agriculture areas.
Hubungan Kadar Pb Dalam Darah Dengan Profil Darah Pada Petugas Operator Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum di Kota Semarang Timur. Mifbakhuddin, Mifbakhuddin; Wahyuningsih, Nur Endah; Suhartono, Suhartono
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 6, No 1 (2007): APRIL 2007
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.6.1.6 - 12


ABSTRACT Background, Lead (Pb) constitutes as main pollutant in the air of the cities besides the pollution of  sulphur dioxide (SO2), suspended particulate matte (SPM)r, nitrogen oxide (NOX ), and carbon monoxide (CO). The impacts of lead (Pb) exposure on  health are kidney disorder, hypertension, anemia, central nerve disorder, behaviourial changes, fertility disorder, miscarriage, child’s IQ decrease, and the disorder  in formation of hemoglobin. Objective, to find out the correlation between the level of lead (Pb) exposure and the blood profile’s of  gas station workers located in the eastern part of  Semarang City. Method, the research used a  cross sectional design with the number of samples were  39 worker. Independent variable was the level of lead content in blood, while the dependent variable was  blood profile and confounding variables were  health history,  intake of energy and  protein , vitamin B12 , folic acid , vitamin C , the habit of drinking tea, drug use, use of self protective device, smoking habit, and alcohol consumption. Results, the average of blood lead  concentration were measured  13,35 µg/dl, the blood profile that including  the level of haemoglobin, leucocyte, hematocrit, erytrocite, MCV, MCH, MCHC, still in normal limits,  variable of blood lead concentration had significant correlation with the level of hemoglobin and the level of hematocrit,  with  OR = 1,388; 95 %  CI=  1,094 – 1,761  for haemoglobin and OR= 1,358 ; 95 %  CI= 1,095 – 1,685  for  hematocrit respectively. Conclusion, the level of  lead content in  blood which is above normal act as  risk factor of decreasing the level of hemoglobin and hematocrit by 1,388 times and 1,58 times respectively, compared with that of normal level of lead content in the blood.  It is recommended that the gas station worker wear the self protective devices (masker) while working in the gas station in  order to reduce the exposure of lead (Pb) from the motor vehicle exhaust and perform regular medical checkup with certain interval (at least once a year). Key words :Blood lead content, blood profile, gas attendants.
Analisis faktor Risiko Kejadian Filariasis di Dusun Tanjung Bayur Desa Sungai Asam Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kabupaten Pontianak. Anshari, Rudi; Suhartono, Suhartono; Setiani, Onny
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2004): OKTOBER 2004
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.3.2.54 - 60


ABSTRACT Background : Filariasis is a contagious disease that caused by Fillaria parasite and is flued by mosquito bite. Indonesia has 23 mosquito species such as Monsonia, Anopheles, Culex, Aedes, and Armigeres genus which are potential vectors of elephantiasis. 2,5 billion people at risk with elephantiasis cases in the world. Indonesia has 6.233 Fillariasis chronic cases, West Kalimantan has 156 chronic cases (MF Rate 4,5 %). In Tanjung Bayur Orchard was found 17 cases 13 chronic cases (MF Rate 17,8 %) and in 4 mortality case. Tanjung Bayur is a marsh area with field , ditch, water plant which can be prepared as growing vector place. The objective is to determine the risk factors that influence fillariasis in Tanjung Bayur orchard, Sungai Asam Village. Methods : this research used case control design or retrospective study with 13 cases and 27 control. Risk factor that include in this research were vector species, vector density, ditch, water plant, marsh, rice field, pool, underbrush, livestock cage, clothes hanging, temperature, dampness, lighting, existence of gauze at ventilation, wall construction, existence livestock in a home, habit to use curtain, habit to use remedy agains gnats, habit to stay out of  the house in the night. Research location has done at Tanjung Bayur Orchard on Sungai Asam Village, District of Sungai Raya. Data analysis use univariat technique, bivariat analysis with Chi-Square Test and multivariate analysis with Logistic Regression Test. Results: Research result, shows that existence ditch variable (OR = 8,0 ; 95 % CI = 1,5 -  43,4), existence water plant variable (OR = 4,6; 95 % Cl = 1,1 – 44,9) and habit to use curtain (OR = 0,04; 95 % Cl = 0,006 – 0,23) is meaningful for fillariasis infection. Conclusions : existence of water plant (OR = 4,6; 95 % Cl = 1,1 – 18,7), is risk factor that the most dominant for fillariasis infection. Suggestion, the regular illumination from health worker for people to give information about environmental and fillariasis dangerous.   Key word: Risk factor, fillariasis water plant, kinds Sungai asam village
Co-Authors - Anita, - -, Umayah ., H.M. Chiar A Wahab Jufri A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W A.M, Chainulfiffah A.R. Hanung Triyono Abdul Kadir Abdul Karim Abdul Karim Ambari Abdurrani Muin Abu Naim Abubakar Alwi Achmad Zamah Syary Adil Dananjaya Adjie Rangga Yasa Afiandari, Ery Af’idatun Nisa’ Agus Angling Kusumah Agus Muliadi Agus Munandar Agus Sulastio Agustini, Dewi Meliati Agustinus Soemantri Ahmad Jurnaidi Wahidin Ahmad Zakaria Ahmad, Khofifah Taslimah Ahsan, Ainul Yaqin Aiman Farag Mohammed Ali, Aiman Farag Mohammed Aini Mahabbati Ajmal As'ad Albert Yakobus Chandra Albertus Ata Maran Aldian W, Karunia Alef Sa’di Aman Alfato Yusnar Kharismasyah Alhabshi, Syed Musa Ali Rosidi Alim, Kusuma Yati Amar Amilda Amilda Amin Nurokhman Amir Anak Agung Ayu Suryapraba Anam, Achmad Khoirul Ananda, Gestia Andi Syaputra Andriana Marwanto Anindita Rifta Hapsari Anjasari Safitri, Ni Komang Dessy Dessy Antama, Febrizal Antik Erlina Apoina Kartini Ardhi, Aulia Ari Djatikusumo Arianto Muditomo Arie Sabdi Sembiring Arief Wahyudi, Arief Arif Harjanto Arif Yachya Arini Setiawati Arita Witanti Arsyad Abd Gani Arsyad Abdul Gani Asdar Djamereng Asril Aminullah Asrorul Azizi Astuti, Tri Budi Aswandi . Aunurrahman Aunurrahman Bachtiar Ardiansyah Bakhtiar Ardiansyah Bambang Budiono Bambang Budiono Boediman, Drajat Bolaer, Primus P budi manfaat, budi Budiyono Budiyono Caecilia Kwarti Krist Marsiwi Cakranegara, Pandu Adi Cari, Cari Castro, Toto Chairunnisa, Faradilla Christian Lilik HS Nivak Coleta Palupi Titasari Cynthia Andari Dadan Ramdhani Dadan Ramdhani Dadan Ramdhani Dadan Ramdhani Dahliati, Andi Daniel Mashudi Darmaja, Hendra Darmayanti, Tri Dasrul Dasrul Dea Andisi Dedy Dwi Prastyo Dedy Firmansyah, Dedy Devita Amelia Dewi Rani Gustiasatlri Dhey W. Tadeus Dimas Imam Perdana Putra Dinda Munthe Djabbar, Asriullah Djunaidi Djunaidi Dwi Ajeng Maulidya Makalao Dwi Jokowinarno Dwirgo Sahlinal, Dwirgo Dynna Madina Karuniawan Efi Kurniati Eko Sediono Eko Sediyono Elda Resti Utami Elvis Fresly Purba Endang Ambarwati, Endang Engelbertus G. Ch. Watu Eni Mahawati Eny Enawaty Erna Setiawati, Erna Ernesta Ginting Ernungtyas, Niken Febrina Erwin Lim Erwin Setyo Kriswanto Esti Nur Wakhidah Etik Susanti, Etik Evi Deliana HZ Exma, Yuni F. Sitepu Fachrizal Ahmad Setiawan Fahrini Yulidasari Fahru Nurosyid Faiz Albanna Faizah, Fatikhatul Fajar Hartantio Fakhruddin Fakhruddin Faldi Yaputra Fathan Mubina Dewadi Fathul Amal Syamsul Arifin Faturohman, Akhmad Fauziatul Fajaroh Febrizal Antama Ferawati Ferawati Ferawati Ferawati Firdaus Firdaus Fitriah Fajar Fitriah Handayani Fitriani Fitriani Fitriyah Rosdiyaningsih Fransiska Desiana Setyaningsih Frischa Sonawaty Theresia Sianturi Gana Gana Gani Haryana Gimin Gimin Gita Kostania Gumilar, Panggayuh Jala Gunawan Budi Santoso Gusriantho Mendrofa Gustri Yeni Hajar Rifada Muzid Hana, Kharis Fadlullah Hanoem, Maghfirah Hardani, H Hardianto Iridiastadi Hardiyanto Wibowo Haryono Haryono Hasbiyallahul Muttaqin Helmy Nur Efendi Yusuf Hendra Budi Sungkawa, Hendra Budi Herlien D. Setio Hermini Susiatiningsih Hertanto Wahyu Subagio Hidayanto, Syahrul Hilwan Yuda Teruna Holyness Nurdin Singadimedja Humaira . Humairah Humairah I Gede Arya Utama I Gede Iwan Sudipa I Gede Made Ardika Aryasa I Gusti Ngurah Ketut Budiarsa I Ketut Gede Suardana I Ketut Sudiana I Nyoman Gede Sugiartha I Putu Eka Widyadharma I Putu Gede Seputra I Wayan Pantiyasa Ibrahim, Mochammad Malik Ika Ucha Pradifta Rangkuti Imam Husni Al Amin Iman Darmawan, Iman Imas Setiani Imo Alviah indrawan, Putu eka Indri Astuti Inne Leomora Agnes Sinaga Iqbal Fauzi, Muhammad Irawan, Roni Dwi Irmina Veronika Uskono Irsyat, Moch Irwansyah Irwansyah Iskandar Iskandar Isma Tjangkana Isnan Hari Mardika Iswari Fauzi Iswari Pauzi Iwan Fakhruddin Jamaluddin P, Jamaluddin P Jayana Salesti, Jayana Jeanny Pragantha Jhon Riswanda Jodi Widardi Joko Siswanto Joko Siswanto Joni Rokhmat Jumari, J Jusmer Sihotang K. Heri Nugroho HS, K. Heri Kade Agus Sudha Naryana Kamilah Budhi Karta, Wayan KARTINI ERIANI Karyadi Karyadi Baskoro Kaukab, Muhamad Elfan Khaerudin, Khamam Khalida Ulfa Khamam Khaerudin Kharis Fadlullah Hana Khoirudin Kurdi Kurdi Kusumandari, Kusumandari Kusumawardani, Rahma Desta L, Sunartin. Laila Kamilla Lamhot P Manalu Latif, Moh Abdul Lauditta Irianti Lauditta Irianti Lelly Cholilah Hasyim Lily Gunawan Listiani Listiani Loekito, Loekito Luh Putu Ratna Sundari M. Elfan Kaukab M. Refai Muslih M. Sabeni M. Trihudiyatmanto Ma'ruf Akbar Manurung, Dedi Matius P Mardiyana Mardiyana Maria Mexitalia Marisdayana, Rara Marliana Handata Saputri Marlinda, Sri Martha Irene Kartasurya Martini Martini Mateus Sakundarno Adi, Mateus Sakundarno Maulana, Adam Febrian Maulidiyah Salim Mauritius Kurniawan Maya Puspita Sari Mazna Mazna MAZNA MAZNA Mega Suci Ramadhita Meiny Suzery Melbi Mahardika Meldawati Meldawati Meliana Sari, Meliana Meme Susilowati Mifbakhuddin Mifbakhuddin, Mifbakhuddin Miftahuddin, Muhammad Miftahul Jannah Moh Salimi Moh. Fauzi Bafadal Mohammad WIJAYA Mohammad Zainul Ramadhan Mohammad Zen Rahfiludin Muammar Khadafi Muchrom, Afrizal Muh. Zaini Hasanul Muttaqin Muhamad Abdika Mafruh MUHAMMAD RIZAL Muhammad Rully Firmansyah Muhammad Sarjan Muhammad Yamin Muhsin Muhsin Mukhtar Zuhdy MULIA RASYIDI Munzil Murtalim Musa, Rahmat Musbar Musbar Musdalipah Musdalipah Muslinang Moestopo Muslinang Moestopo Musyaffa Amin Ash Shabah Muttaqin, Hasbiyallahul Nawang Ginusti, Gallis Nelly Budiyarti Nency Puspita Dewi Ni Luh Putu Cahayani Ni Made Adi Tarini Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti Ni Made Sinthya Kusuma Arisanthi Ni Putu Witari Nita Pujianti NN Trisna Dewi, NN Trisna NOVA WAHYU PRATIWI, NOVA WAHYU Noveri L M Novia Putri Ananda Novia Rina Dewi Novianti Tampubolon Nur Asmar Salikunna Nur Endah Wahyuningsih Nur Halimah Nur Muslimah Nuraini Asrianti Nuraini Setiawati Suwarni Nuredah, Nuredah Nurfaidah Nurfaidah Nurfitrah, Muhammad Al Aziz Nurjazuli Nurjazuli Nurussaniah Nurussaniah Nuryono Nuryono Nuryono Nuryono Olha Musa, Olha Onny Setiani Paken Pandiangan Palupi, Bening Sri Pambudi, Luthfi Arya Ravi Pambudi, Satrio Agung Pande Komang Suparyana Panggabean, Rista Bernike Pradana, Nico Andi Pramono, Joko Sapto Prasetyo, Wisnu Budi Prisanto, Guntur F Priyo Hadi Susananto Purwandari Purwandari Putra Martin Widanta IGN Putra, Firnanda Al Islama Achyunda Putu Ayu Sani Utami R. Ukun M.S. Soedjanaatmadja R.M, Henny Olivia Rahayu Hasan Raihani Raihani Raka-Sudewi A. A. Randy Tanderan Rasipin Rasipin Ratna Puspita Sari, Ratna Puspita Ratu Husmiati Rd. Tuty Sariwulan Retno Ayu Cahyaningtyas Rhian Indradewa Rhian Indradewa Rhian Indradewa Rhian Indradewa Rhian Indradewa Ricca Angreini Munthe Rifada Muzid, Hajar Rifatul Masrikhiyah Rima Rahmaniah Rindu Rahmatiah Risa Nursanty Risa Suryana Riskung Karim Marsuki Ristiani Ristiani Rizal Rizal Rizaldy Baskara Rizali Rizali Rody Putra Sartika Roesipin, Sri Wahyuningsih Rokhmaniyah Rokhmaniyah, Rokhmaniyah Romadhoni, Achmad Rosnizar, Rosnizar Rudi Anshari, Rudi Rudi Arrahman Ryan Perdana Putra Sah, Suciati Saiful Anwar Sainal, Sainal Samuel I. Leton Samuel Samuel Sandra, Tuti Santoso Utomo Santoso, Yusuf Dwi Saputri, Marliana Handata Sari Listyorini Sari, Mia Arina Sari, Nisa Sarjito - Sepriana, Elvita Septriana, Arumike Septyana Dwi Utami Setiani, Imas Setiawan, Novian Dwi Cahyo Setyowati, Ira Shinta Nento Sigit Dwi Andrianto Siti Fatimah Muis Siti Yulaikah Slamet Budiono Slamet Handoko Slamet Widodo Soeharyo Hadisaputro Sofia Retnowati Sofia Sofia Sofro, Muchlis AU Solimun, Solimun Sri Handayani Sri Juari Santosa Sri Juari Santosa Sri Martini Sri Maryani Sri Subanti Sri Suryoko Sriharyani, Leni Subagio, Hertanto W. Subroto Subroto Suci Musvita Ayu Sudirman Sudirman Sugiharto Suharyo Hadisaputro SUKARMAN Sukarman Sumarno . Sunandar Supriadi Supriadi Suprihatin - T. Harianto Tangi, Hironimus Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah Tati Tati Tatik Hayati Thamrin, Jumianti Lestari Tin Suharmini Tinenti, Yanti Rosinda Tjokorda Istri Pramitasuri Toni Prahasto Toto Supriyono, Toto Tri Prihatiningsih Tri Saptuti Susiani Trismawati, Trismawati Trismianto Asmo Sutrisno Sutrisno Triwid Syafarotun Najah, Triwid Syafarotun Ulia Ayuning Tias Ummi Hiras Habisukan Undagi Kausar Akbar Ury Wahyu Suprihati USMAN PATO Venia Rosmalia Vicky F Sanjaya Viny Christanti M Vivi Bachtiar W Westa, W Wadan Y. Anuli Widayat, Wisnu Widhanarto Oki Ganjar Widya Putri Wilfridus Beda Nuba Dosinaeng Windarningsih, Farida Wisnu Widayat Wiwid Widiyatni, Wiwid Yasmin Yasmin Yoga Yuniadi Yosta Yoserizal, Yosta Yoyo Hambali Yoyo Hambali Yudhistira Pradhipta Aryoko Yudik Prasetyo Yusran Khery zainur Zainur Zaki, Solikhin Zamah Syary, Achmad Zein, Silvia Zuhdy, Mukhtar Zulnuraini, Zulnuraini