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Journal : Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan

Effect of Kirinyuh Leaf Extract (Cromolaena odorata [L.] R.M. King & H. Rob) On Rice Paddy Growth (Oryza sativa L.) Variety of Mekongga in Drought Stress Condition Wahyuni, Sarti; Lande, Martha L.; Zulkifli, Zulkifli; Handayani, Tundjung T.
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 18, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.025 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v18i2.1235


The purpose of this research was to know whether kirinyuh leaf water extract could improve the growth of mekongga varieties rice paddy under the condition of drought stress.This research was conducted at Botanical Laboratory of Biology Department Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Lampung from September to October 2017. The research was conducted in a 3 x 2 factorial experiment. Factor A was Polyethylene glicol 6000 with 3 levels of concentration: 0% w / v, 15% w / v, and 30% w / v. Factor B was kirinyuh leaf water extract with 2 concentration levels: 0% w / v and 2% w / v. As parameters were the mean of shoots length, fresh weight, dry weight, and the relative water content of rice seedling. Levene test, analysis of vaiance, and Tukey test were performed at 5% significant level. The results showed that water extract of kirinyuh leaves had no significant effect on shoot length, fresh weight, and dry weight of rice seedling, but influenced the relatife water content of rice seedling. From the result of research it was concluded that kirinyuh leaf water extract can not improve the growth of Mekongga rice paddy varieties at drougth stress condition
Aktivitas Enzim Peroksidase Daun Planlet Pisang Ketan (Musa paradisiaca L.) Hasil Pengimbasan Ketahanan terhadap Asam Salisilat secara In Vitro Muslimah, Imamah; Nurcahyani, Endang; Zulkifli, Zulkifli
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 17, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.827 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v17i2.288


Banana plant production are decreased because it getting an attack from Fusarium oxysporum. ?ketan? Banana plantlet that resistant to the Fusarium oxysporum were selected by in vitro in the solid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with added salicylic acid at 40 ppm, 50 ppm, 60 ppm, and 70 ppm concentration, compared with controls (0 ppm). The aim of this research is to determine the activity of peroxidase enzyme on leaves of banana ketan plantlet. The research was carried out in December 2015 to February 2016 in the Laboratory of Botani (in vitro room), Departement of Biology, Faculty of MIPA, Lampung University. This study used a completely randomized design with 5 replications. Data were analyzed with the variance (Anova) and if them different will be continued by LSD test performed at 5% significance level. Extraction of peroxidase method using Saravanan et al. (2004) with the mixture of pyrogallol and ?2?2. The absorbance was measured with a spectrophotometer (Shimudzu UV 800) at wavelength (?) of 420 nm and readable from zero. The result showed that the activity of peroxidase enzyme on the leaves banana ketan plantlet has increased optimally in the salicylic acid concentration of 50 ppm compared with controls. Increased of Peroxidase enzyme activity showed that banana ketan plantlet was resistant to the salicylic acid and expected to be resistant to Fusarium oxysporum. Keywords: Salicylic acid, Peroxidase enzyme, Fusarium oxysporum, in vitro, Banana ketan
ANALISIS BROWNING BUAH PISANG KEPOK (Musa paradisiaca L.) SETELAH PERLAKUAN ASAM ASKORBAT DAN LIDAH BUAYA (Aloe barbadensis L.) Larasati, Ratri Mauluti; Lande, Martha Lulus; Zulkifli, Zulkifli; Wahyuningsih, Sri
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 19, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.682 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v19i1.1400


Fruit is a necessity for most Indonesian people. Kepok banana is a climacteric fruit that can experience browning quickly. Therefore, this study was conducted to find a safe and effective material to prevent the browning process of kepok bananas. This study aims to determine the differences in the browning index, and the activity of the enzyme dehydrogenase in kepok banana cells. This study was conducted using a 2x3 factorial design. Factor A is ascorbic acid with 2 concentration levels namely 0% (b / v) and 5% (b / v). Factor B is Aloe (Aloebarbadensis L.) leaf extract with 3 levels, namely 0%, 5%, and 10%. The quantitative parameters are browning index and total dissolved carbohydrate content. The qualitative parameter is dehydrogenase enzyme activity. Levene test and variance analysis were carried out with 5% real level. The results obtained were kepok bananas with treatments coloured brighter than control. Ascorbic acid and Aloe (Aloe barbadensis L.) affect the browning index and dissolved total carbohydrate content of the sample. A decrease in dehydrogenase enzyme activity happened in the ascorbic acid treatment. Conclusions obtained from the study are ascorbic acid with a concentration of 5% can reduce the browning index of kepok banana by 31%, ascorbic acid with a concentration of 5% can maintain total dissolved carbohydrate content kepok banana as much as 53%, and Aloe extract 10% retain total dissolved carbohydrate content sample is 20%.
Karakterisasi Bahan Anti Browning dari Ekstrak Air Buah Jambu Batu (Psidium guajava Linn) pada Buah Apel Malang (Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill) Husaini, Oktarina; Zulkifli, Zulkifli; Lande, Martha L.; Nurcahyani, E.
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 17, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (281.289 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v17i2.285


The purpose of this study was to prove that the water extract of guava pulp can hinder the process of browning in apples Malang. The research was conducted in October - November 2016 in the Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Lampung. This study uses a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 degree of concentration of water extract of the fruit flesh guava: control (Citric acid 2% w/v), 0% v/v, 25% v/v, 50% v/v, 75 % v/v, 100% v/v. Browning index is determined based on the absorbance of the extract of apple Malang at a wavelength of 420 nm. Total soluble carbohydrate content was determined by the phenol-sulfuric method, while estimating dehydrogenase enzyme activity by methylene blue method. Levene's test for homogeneity, analysis of variance and LSD test was carried out at 5% significance level. Water extract of guava fruit has the same effectiveness with citric acid 2% w/v in inhibiting browning apples Malang. Similarly, the water extract of guava fruit as well as citric acid 2% w/v has the same effect on total soluble carbohydrate content and the activity of the enzyme dehydrogenase. Water extract of guava fruit has the same effectiveness with citric acid 2% w/v except for 100% concentration on reducing sugar level. The final conclusion is that the water extract of guava fruit has the different characteristics as citric acid 2% w/v in inhibiting browning in apples Malang.
Effect of Citric Acid, Aluminum and It’s Interaction in The Seedling Growth of Soybean (Glycine max L.) Varietas Anjasmoro Hervidea, Radella; Zulkifli, Zulkifli; Lande, Martha Lulus
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 16, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.088 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v16i3.46


The objective of this research was to know whether citric acid was able to decrease effect of aluminum on the seedling growth of soybean (Glycine max L.) varietas anjasmoro.   The experiment was conducted in Plant Physiology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Lampung University on January 2016 in 2x3 factorial designs. Factor A was aluminum with 2 levels : 0 mM and 5 mM.  Factor B was citric acid with 3 levels : 0 mM, 5 mM and 10 mM.  Variables in this research were fress weight, dry weight, relative water content and total chlorophyll content.   Analysis of variance was conducted  at  5% significant  level.    If  interaction  was  not  significant,  main  effect  was determined with lsd test at 5% significant  level. If interaction was significant simple effect was determined with F test at 5% significant level.  The result showed that the citric acid decreased fress weight, dry weight, relative water content and no effect on total chlorophyll content while aluminum did not affect all variables and no interaction between citric acid and aluminum on all variables. It is concluded that citric acid was not able to inprove seedling growth of soybean varietas anjasmoro with aluminum or no aluminum. Keyword : Citric acid, Aluminum,  Soybean, Frees weight , dry weight
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 16, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v16i3.48


The objective of this research was to know whether soaking of upland rice seed in citric acid solution  could  alleviate  subsequent  growth  of  seedling  under  aluminum  stress.  The experiment was conducted in plant physiologylaboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Lampung University on January 2016, and implemented in2 x 3 factorial designs. Factor A was aluminum with two levels: 0 mM, 5 mM and factor B was Citric Acid with three levels: 0Mm, 5Mm, 10Mm. Variables in this research were shoot length, seedling fresh weight, relative water content, and shoot root ratio. Analysis of variance was conducted at 5% significant level. If   interaction factor A and B was not significant, main effect was determine with lsd test at 5% significant level, but if  significant simple effect was determine with F test at 5% significant level. The result showed that interaction beetwen aluminum and citric acid decreased the shoot length 16-31%. Aluminum decreased fresh weight of seedling 11%, relative water content 3%, and shoot root ratio decreased 15%. It was concluded that soaking upland rice seed in citric acid solution was not able to alleviate subsequent growth of seedling under aluminum stress. Keyword: citric acid, aluminum, upland rice, shoot length, seedling fresh weight
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 18, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v18i3.1508


The purpose of this research is to know whether the aqueous extract of purple nutsedge(Cyperus rotundus) have an effect on the growth and chlorophyll content of upland riceseedling of Inpago 8 varieties. This research was conducted at Botanical Laboratory ofBiology Department Faculty of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences University ofLampung from September to October 2017. The experiments were carried out in a completerandomized design with the main factors being aqueous extract of purple nutsedge with 5 level : 0% v / v (control), 5% v / v, 10% v / v, 15% v / v, and 20%v/v. Parameters measuredwere shoot length, fresh weight, dry weight, relative water content, and total chlorophyllcontent of rice seedling. Homogeneity of variance was determined by the Levene test at 5%significant level. Analysis of variance and Tukey HSD test is done at 5% significant level.The results showed that the concentration of extract correlated quadratic with shoot lengthwhere the maximum shoot length was 3.9 cm at 10% extract concentration. Fresh weight andrelative water content maximum were 73.21 mg and 76% respectively at concentrations of14% and 10%. The minimum total chlorophyll content was 0.47 mg / g tissue at aconcentration of 11%. There was no significant effect on the dry weight of the seedling.From the results of the study, it was concluded that the extract of purple nutsedge at aconcentration below 14% was a growth stimulator, but it was an inhibitor of chlorophyllbiosynthesis.Keyword: Chlorophyll, Growth, Upland rice variety Inpago 8, Purple nutsedge
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 19, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v19i2.1568


The purpose of this study was to determine whether the pineapple fruit extract can inhibit theprocess of browning on the potato tubers. This study used Completely Randomized Design(RAL) with 5 levels of pineapple fruit concentration of 0% v/v, 25% v/v. 50% v/v, 75% v/v,and 100% v/v and consist of 5 replications. Qualitative Parameters in this study was the colosurface of potato tubers while quantitative parameters were browning index, total soluble carbohydrate content, and dehydrogenase enzyme activity homogeneity of variance, analysisof variance, and Tukey test were conducted at 5% significant level. Correlations betweendependent and independent variables were determined by linear regression. The resultshowed that the color surface of potato tuber treated with the concentration of pineappleextract 100% v/v was less brown than control and other concentrations. Index browning ofpotato tuber treated with concentration 75% v/v and 100% v/v was significantly decreased. Concentration of pineapple extract was negative linearly correlated to browning index ofpotato tubers. The concentration of pineapple extract 100% v/v increased significantly totalsoluble carbohydrate of potato tubers. The concentration of pineapple extract was positivelinearly correlated to total soluble carbohydrate. The activity of dehydrogenase enzyme ofpotato tuber treated with concentration 100% v/v was significantly increased. Theconcentration of pineapple extract was quadratic correlated to the activity of dehydrogenaseenzyme.
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 16, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v16i3.92


The objective of this research was to know effect of citric acid, aluminum, and their itsinteraction on the seedling growth of hibrida maize (Zea mays L.) Var. Bisi-18. Theexperiment was conducted during January 2016 in Plant Physiology Laboratory,Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University ofLampung. The experiment was implemented in 2x3 factorial experiments. Factor A wasAluminum with 2 levels: 0 mM, 5 mM. Factor B was Citric Acid with 3 levels: 0 mM, 5 mM,and 10 mM. After selected corn seeds were soaked in citric acid solution for 24 hours, andgerminated in plastic tray. After 7 days seedlings were planted in plastic containers thatcontain aluminum solution. Variables in this research were shoot length, seedling freshweight, shoot root ratio, and relative water content after 7 days of growing period. Analysisof variance was conducted at 5% significant level. If interactions between aluminum andcitric acid was not significant, main effect was determined at 5% significant level with LSDtest. If interactions between aluminum and citric acid was significant, simple effect wasdetermined at 5% significant level with F test. The result showed that no aluminum effectobserved on all variables, and citric acid affected negativly all variables. No interctionsbetween aluminum and citric acid on all seedling growth variables of maize hibrida Var.Bisi-18. It is concluded aluminum 5mM was not able to cause stress in maize seedling. Inno stress condition citric acid has negative effect on maize seedling growth.Keyword: Citric acid, Aluminium, Maize Seedling, Shoot Length, Seedling Fresh Weight.
Pengaruh Penambahan Asam Sitrat Terhadap Proses Non-Enzimatik Browning Jus Buah Pir Yali (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.) Victoria Agatha Angela Sirait; Zulkifli Zulkifli; Tundjung Tripeni Handayani; Martha Lulus Lande
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 18 No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v18i3.1505


The purpose of this study was to find out how effective citric acid is against the nonenzymaticprocess of browning Yali Pear fruit juice (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd. Theresearch was conducted in a complete randomized design consisting of 5 replications. Thenon-enzymatic browning inhibition process was tested with citric acid treatment as the mainfactor with five concentrations ie 0% w/v, 2,5% w/v, 5% w/v, 7,5% w/v and 10% w/v.Qualitative parameters were dehydrogenase enzyme activity and reducing sugar level.Quantitative parameters were browning index and total soluble carbohydrate content.Levene test, analysis of variance, and Tukey test were performed at 5% significant level. Theresults showed that decrease in dehydrogenase enzyme activity occurs along with increasingthe concentration of citric acid. The level of reducing sugar has increased along with theincrease of citric acid concentration. The 7,5% w/v citric acid concentration effectivelyinhibited non-enzymatic browning of Yali Pear juice with a 21% reduction in the browningindex. Total soluble carbohydrate content increased 7% at 7.5% w/v citric acidconcentration. From the results of the study it was concluded that citric acid at 7,5% w / vconcentration was the inhibitor of non-enzymatic browning and dehydrogenase enzymeactivity, but stimulator of total soluble carbohydrate and reducing sugar level.
Co-Authors A. Octamaya Tenri Awaru Abd. Jamal Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abdul Basyir, Abdul Abdul Gani Abdul Rachim Rachim Abdul Rahman Achmad Agus Priyono Adhrie Sugiarto Adnan Rajak Afrizal Tanjung Agus Tugas Sudjianto Agustin, Mia A. Agustina Br Haloho Agustina Haloho Ahmad Nayan Ahmad Samsuddin Ahmad Wahyudi Akhyar, Adil Akmal Hidayat ALADIN ALADIN Albadrie, Syah Amin Alfani, Syafiqurrahman Ali Djamhuri Alvin Viki Maulana Alwin Basri Alyunzira Wardani Ancelmus Ancelmus Ancelmus, Ancelmus Andi Ulfah Magefirah Rasyid Anggraini, Zepa Anggun Angkasa Bela Persada Anis Ashari Anisa Nur Eksanti Anna Veronika Annisa Selitri Yean Ansaria Ansaria Anuar, Rosihan Apero, Rivel Lian Apridar Apridar Aqli Mursadin Ardaneti, Ardaneti Ardian Rizky dian Arief Rahman Aris Aris Ariyanto M Arwina Pratiwi Kuswoyo Asmita Meilani Asrida Harahap Asrul Karim Asrul Karim Astuti, Daharmi Aulia Annisa Rizki Auzar Auzar Awis Karni Azhari Azhari Bagoes Widjanarko Baharuddin Baharuddin Baihaqi Fanani Bakhri, Boy Syamsul Bambang Budiantono Bambang Setiawan Bambang Suhendra Barbara, Shanta Bashori Bashori Basuki Sugiarto Berlian, Ong Bintal Amin Buana, Tri Utami Santra Budiman Budiman Chairuddin Chairuddin Cita Ayu Suminar Dana, Asia Dandy Karepesina Darmawanto Darmawanto Daviq Chairilsyah Deassy Siska DEDI SOEDHARMA DERMAWAN SEMBIRING Derriawan Derriawan Dessy Adhriyani Dessy Yoswaty Devi Risma Dewi Isnaeni Dewi Purnamawati Dian Pratiwi Diana Febriani Hasibuan Dinar Dinar Dinda Pratiwi Dinda Ramdani Dini Anggraini, Dini Diva Fara Dila Doktoralina, Caturida Meiwanto Donny Muda Priyangan Dupri Dupri Dwi Anggarani Dwi Kurniawati R E. Nurcahyani, E. Eddy Gunawan Eddy Noviana Eduard Ricardo Hasudungan Sinaga EDWIN BUSTAMI Efriyeldi, Efriyeldi Eka Agustini Eka Rizal Eliana, Desi Elisabeth Milaningrum Eliyusna Eliyusna Ellysa Shintya Elvina Carolina Enda Puspita Enda Puspitasari endah widyastuti Endang Nurcahyani Erfana Romauli Lumbantoruan Erial Bahar Ermina Sari Ernawati Ernawati Erni Sukmawati Ervin Nora Susanti Fadli Amin Farapahlefi, Andi Saiyid Faridah Faridah Fauzi Ahmad Muda Febri Saefullah Febrialismanto Febrialismanto Febrialismanto, Febrialismanto Ferdiansyah, Emil Feri Andi Feronika Rosalin Fery Andrianus, Fery Fidyah Yuli Ernawati, Fidyah Yuli Firdaus Firdaus Firdaus Hamta, Firdaus Firdawati, Firdawati Firman Amir Firmansyah, Muhammad Rizky Fitrah Maulana Batubara Fitri Fitri Fitriyani Fitriyani Fransisca Pangestu Wardani Hadi Hermansyah Hadi Sunaryo Hafiz Defarahmi Hakmi Hidayat Halida Yunita Halim Zaini, Halim Halimah B Halimah Zulfikar Hamzah, Zulfadli Hardoko Insan Qudus Harpasis S. Sanusi Harsani Harsani Hartati, Siti Hartati, Sukmini Harti Winarni Haryanti Rivai, Haryanti Hasdani Hasdani Hasdani, Hasdani Hasdi Aimon Hasibuan, Diana Febriani Hendra Setiawan Hendrawan Wicaksono Hendri Marhadi Hendrik Manossoh, Hendrik Hendry Andry Henjilito, Raffly Herdy Herdy Herlina Herlina Hi. Thalib Abas Hidayat, Nanang Al Hidayatul Fitri Hotdholy destrinanda Hukmi Hukmi Hukmi Hukmi, Hukmi I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana I Ketut Sudiana Idris Idris Idris Yanto Niode Ikramuddin, Ikramuddin Ilmiyono, Agung Fajar Imam Syuhada Imamah Muslimah, Imamah Imas Sa'adah Indra Fauzan Irawati Irawati Irene Svinarky Irgi Firdiansah Irma Susanti Irna Chyntia Dewi Irsan Saleh Ismanto, Widodo Italina, Cut Jasmaniah Jasmaniah Jasmaniah Jasmaniah, Jasmaniah Jayanti Mandasari JULIANGKARY, ELISKA Jumarni Jumarni Juneni Juneni Juni Ahyar Karmilia, Rise Karmilia Kartini Kartini Khairani Khairani Khatimah, A. Khusnul KHOIRUL ANWAR Komalasari, Desy Ningsih Kurnia Rahmah Kusuma Harimin Kusyati, Kusyati La Sawali, La Sawali Laksmono Widagdo Larasati, Ratri Mauluti Latifah Latifah Lazim N Lazim N Lazim. N Lazim. N Lazim.N Lazim.N Leny MS. Tomagola Lestari, Mayang Indah Lia Noviarti Handayani Lili Masnarita Linna Oktaviana Sari Lintje Kalangi Lisa Lisa, Lisa Lomersan Hutasoit Lukmanul Hakim Luna Haningsih, Luna M Chotib, M Chotib M. Safri M. Yunus, M. Yunus M. Yusuf Alfian Rendra Anggoro KR Maas, Endang Melati Maharum, Dwi Surya Mahendra, Mahendra Mahmud Nuhung Mandasari, Jayanti Manendha Maganitri Kundala Mangatas Pasaribu Mardiono Rajagukguk Maria Apriani Hoar Mariana Mariana Marlina Marlina Marliza Marliza Marno Nugroho Marta Yuana Martha L. Lande Martha Lulus Lande Martha Lulus Lande, Martha Lulus Mas'ud, Muchlis H. MASLINDA MASLINDA Maulidil Akmal Maulidya Ikhbar Nurfaizah MAWADDAH, ELY Mazniah Mazniah Mega Novita Megawati Listyana Putri Melda Wimar Mellya Efridha Mellyarti Mellyarti Merina Devira Devira Mestika Febiola Meyzi Heriyanto Miftahul Kurniawan Mistorina, Mistorina Mizan Sahroni Mochammad Sahid, Mualimin Mohammad Kholid Ridwan Mona Sri Rezeki Mona Sri Rezeki Mongsidi, Wolter Mubarak Mubarak Muda Setia Mudasetia Hamid Muh Saleh Muhammad Agus Setiawan Muhammad Fakhri Husein Muhammad Ikbal Putera Muhammad Kautsar Rizki Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Muslihuddin Muhammad Muzakki Muhammad Rafli Muhammad Rivai Muhammad Yussac Faried Muhammad Yusuf Muharnis Muharnis Muliyono Muliyono Munawar Munawar Munir, Akmal Abdul Munzir, T. Murdiana, Deswita Mus S Rajilun Musrifin Galib Mustofa Umar Mutammimul Ula Nabilah Wahyuningtyas Nada Audrya Nadia Fakhriyati Arfa Nadya Rosyalina Nahar, Nahar Nanang Al Hidayat Narulita Narulita Nasrudin Nasrudin Nasrul, Herni Widiyah Natoil, Natoil Naufal Lianto Neli Susanti Netti Aryani Ngudi Tjahjono Niken Paramita NOFELINA, DOLA Norliza Norliza Nova Esterlita Novia Annesha Wulandari Noviana, Edy Nugroho, Yanuar Siswo Nunuk Sisharwati NUR HIDAYATI Nur Hidayati Nur Isfa'ni Nur Widiastuti Nuraini Nuraini Nurfadila Nurfadila Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurlaksana Eko Rusminto Nurlita Nurlita Nurlita, Nurlita Nurmala Ahmar Nurratul Aini Nursardjan, Nursardjan Nursyirwani, Nursyirwani Nurzubaini Nurzubaini Nur’Aini Nur’Aini Oktarina Husaini, Oktarina Oktaviani oktaviani Oktavianti Oktavianti Otang Kurniaman Ovirianingsih, Tri Patria Rahmawati Pazli, Pazli Poiran Poiran Poiran, Poiran Popong Nurhasanah Poppy Mayang Sari Pratama, Arya Putra Rizal Puput Dian Anggraini Puspita, Yusni Putri Lukmana Sari Putri Ramadhanny Rachma Aulia Radella Hervidea, Radella Rahayu, Supriati Hardi Rahimuddin, Rahimuddin Rahmah, Kurnia Rahmah, Kurnia Rahman, Fadali Rahmat Sabuhari Ramon Zamora RATNA SARI Reni Syafrida Resiana Resiana Resti Butar Butar Retno Tri Wahyuni Rhafiri Rahman Ria Eski Hotmaina Simbolon Ria Novianti Rices Jatra Riffi Kurnia Ningsih Rinda Tungga Dewi Riski Hambali Rismelda Rismelda Riswandi Riswandi Rita Kurnia Rivai Andika Pakpahan Rivel Lian Apero Riza Dwiningrum, Riza Rizda Annisyah Rizki Aridho Rollis Juliansyah Rosaliena, Viska Rosauli Rosauli Rosihan Anuar Rosmawati Rosmawati Rozaili Rozaili Rudyanto Sedono Rupa Suci Amanda Rusma Noortyani Rusnaini, Sasmita Ryfal Ananda Putra Salmah Salmah Salmin Dengo Samidi Samidi, Samidi Sandrayati Sandrayati Santi Maya Sari sarbullah sarbullah Sarbullah, Sarbullah SARI, PUTRI LUKMANA Sartika Sartika Sasmita Rusnaini Satriananda, Satriananda SATRIYAS ILYAS Sayyid Margandi Al Habsyah Seno Andri Sepreni, Sepreni Setia, Muda Sherly Ramadhani Shinta Maharani Shintya, Ellysa Shofiah Shofiah Sibarani, Rosari Sihombing, Kelvin Silfia Andeni Sitinjak, Suyanti Sofyan Husein Siregar Sohrah Sohrah Sri Damaiyanti Sri Hayati Sri Langgeng Ratnasari SRI RAHAYU Sri Retno Pramesti Sri Wahyu Ningsih Sri Wahyuni Hakim Sri Wahyuningsih SRI WIDYASTUTI Subur Mulyanto Suhartini Suhartini Suhendra Suhendra Sukmini Hartati Sunaryo, Hadi Sundari, Imas Suparto Suparto Supriadi Supriadi Supriadi, Edi Suratno Suratno Suryani Suryani Sutrisna, Yana Suwardi Lubis Syafiqurrahman Alfani Syafitri, Syafitri Syafrida, Reni Syafruddin Nasution Syafruddin Syafruddin Syah Amin Albadrie Syahrani Devi Syahrilfuddin Syahrilfuddin, Syahrilfuddin Syahruddin, Syahruddin Syam, Agus SYAMSURIZAL TAN T Rosmawaty T, Andi T. Munzir Tamimy, Shabrina Mazaya tanjung, rona Tasman Tasman Teta Wismar Teuku Khairil Amal Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Thamrin Theodorus Theodorus Tirta Mulyadi Tori Sepriwan Torro, Supriadi Tri Widyastuti Tundjung T. Handayani Tundjung Tripeni Handayani Tundjung Tripeni Handayani, Tundjung Tripeni Ukas Ukas Ulfanora, Ulfanora Victoria Agatha Angela Sirait Viska Rosaliena Wahyu Tri Atmojo Wahyu Wilopo Wahyuni, Sarti Walusi, Risma Wanda Syahrian Wardani, Fransisca Pangestu Wardani, Fransisca Pangestu Wardanis, Putri Welly Ardiansyah Wetria Fauzi Widodo Ismanto Wina Safutri Windy Anjeli Hutahaean Wini Tarmini Wiranda, Nuruddin Wismar, Teta Wispinaldo, Azhari Wujayanti, Dyah Yalumalai, Ravivarman Yana Sutrisna Yanuar Siswo Nugroho Yekti Intyas Rahayu Yodi Oskar Prada Yoga Gandara Yohanne Aprilicia Yos Adhie Nugroho Yovalina R Yulfitra Yuli Antina Aryani Yulianty Yulianty Yulita, Efni Yunanto Dwi Yundari, Yundari Yunis Yunis Yusdi Kurniawan Yusli Wardiatno Yuslita Yuslita Yusni Ikhwan Siregar Zahara Wahyuni Zahratul Fitri Zahtamal Zahtamal Zainal R Zainul Arifin Zaki Akbar Anwariansyah Zen Hafy Zeni Luthfiyah Zuber, Konar Zulbaida Zulbaida Zulbaidi, Zulbaidi Zulfa Reni